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Jul 31, 2024
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Egyptian Author And Former MP Youssef Al-Qa'id: Israelis Are The Enemies Of Yesterday, Today, And Tomorrow; Even Breathing The Same Air As Them Is A Crime

#11304 | 01:38
Source: Tahrir/Ten TV (Egypt)

Egyptian author and former MP Youssef Al-Qa'id said on a July 31, 2024 show on Ten TV (Egypt) that the Israelis are the enemies of yesterday, today, and tomorrow. He said that any dealings with Israelis constitutes "treason," and he recounted an anecdote, according to which he got up and left a café when he realized that another patron was Israeli, because it is a crime to breathe the same air as Israelis.

Al-Qa'id: "In my view, any dealings with Israelis constitute treason. Once I entered the Groppi café at noon – only because of the air conditioning – and I sat down. Then someone came in after me and sat down, He took out his passport, and I saw that it was an Israeli passport, so I got up and left the place, because I believe that breathing the same air as he does is a crime or treason against myself and the cause of my life.

"This is the cause of my life, and I disdain any cultural or ideological heritage coming from the [Israeli] entity. I do not read their newspaper that are published in Hebrew, and I do not want to read them, because at some point I thought reading them would constitute normalization.

"They are the enemies of yesterday, today, and tomorrow, and we should raise our children on this. I believe that the Israeli enemy comes before any other enemy and confronting it should be the primary mission of this generation our generation. This will only be completed with the annihilation of the state of Israel."

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