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May 02, 2006
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Deputy Chairman of Egyptian Parliament Committee for Defense and National Security: American Agents Carried Out 9/11

#1142 | 42
Source: Ein TV (Saudi Arabia)

Following are excerpts from an interview with Muhammad Abd Al-Fattah, deputy chairman of the Egyptian parliamentary Committee for Defense and National Security, which aired on Ein TV on May 2, 2006.

Muhammad Abd Al-Fattah: Regarding the events of 9/11, and what happened and is still happening to Islam - Bush put it very simply. He said: "This is a Crusade."

Interviewer: True, he said so from day one.

Muhammad Abd Al-Fattah: At that very moment I said that 9/11 was carried out by American agents. American agents did it, so that Bush would have a pretext to declare war on Islam, because they did not take into account that Islam would pose a threat to them and to global Zionism.

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