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Jan 27, 2006
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Demonstrators against Egyptian President Mubarak: Egypt Is Not Your Father's Private Farm

#1056 | 01:34
Source: Al-Jazeera Network (Qatar)

Following are excerpts from anti-Mubarak demonstrations in Egypt, which aired on Al-Jazeera TV, on January 27, 2006.

Demonstrator: Freedom - where are you?

Crowd: Freedom - where are you?

Demonstrator: The security agencies keep you away from us.

Crowd: The security agencies keep you away from us.

Demonstrator: The security agencies are the dogs of the county.

Crowd: The security agencies are the dogs of the county.

Demonstrator: They have led the country to bankruptcy.

Crowd: They have led the country to bankruptcy.

Demonstrator: Husni Mubarak - we challenge you.

Crowd: Husni Mubarak - we challenge you.

Demonstrator: We, the people, hate you.

Crowd: We, the people, hate you.

Demonstrator: Down with Husni Mubarak.

Crowd: Down with Husni Mubarak.

Demonstrator: Enough, oh Mubarak!

Crowd: Enough, oh Mubarak!

Demonstrator: Haven't all your terms in office been enough for you?

Crowd: Haven't all your terms in office been enough for you?

Demonstrator: Egypt is not your father's private farm.

Crowd: Egypt is not your father's private farm.

Demonstrator: Its people are not slaves.

Crowd: Its people are not slaves.

Demonstrator: We have put up with you for a quarter of a century.

Crowd: We have put up with you for a quarter of a century.

Demonstrator: Our lives are in the mud.

Crowd: Our lives are in the mud.

Demonstrator: Down with Husni Mubarak.

Crowd: Down with Husni Mubarak.


Demonstrator: What does Mubarak want?

Crowd: What does Mubarak want?

Demonstrator: That all the people kiss his feet.

Crowd: That all the people kiss his feet.


Demonstrator: You have left Egypt in ruins.

Crowd: You have left Egypt in ruins.

Demonstrator: The first word in the constitution

Crowd: The first word in the constitution

Demonstrator: freedom for Ayman Nur.

Crowd: freedom for Ayman Nur.

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