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Jul 15, 2016
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Delaware Friday Sermon: Arqum Rashid Compares African Americans Killed in the U.S. to Victims of Bashar Al-Assad in Syria

#5578 | 02:37
Source: Online Platforms

In a Friday sermon delivered in the Islamic Society of Delaware in Wilmington on July 15, Arqum Rashid, a preacher and presenter for the satellite channel Huda TV, asked: "What is the difference between an innocent child that is killed by one of the soldiers of Bashar Al-Assad in Syria, an innocent child that is killed in Palestine in cold blood, or an innocent African American child that is killed here in Wilmington [Delaware]? In the Islamic Society of Delaware sermon, which discussed "Social Justice and the Black Lives Matter Movement," Rashid said that sympathy and condolences for the victims and sharing on social media networks was not enough. "How long before we stand against a sick mentality that allows the killing of African Americans in this country without any due process?" he asked.


Arqum Rashid: "Ask yourselves: How many of us feel anything in our hearts when we see an innocent African American child shot dead? What does that say about our faith? What does that say about our iman? I mean, what is the difference between an innocent child that is killed by one of the soldiers of Bashar Al-Assad in Syria, or an innocent child that is killed in Palestine in cold blood, or an innocent child, an innocent African-American child that is killed here in Wilmington? What is the difference? You tell me.






"We know how it feels when our blood is made cheaper than anyone else's. We know how it feels when a drone can strike civilians, innocent civilians in Yemen, in Pakistan, and no one cares, no one bats an eye, no one turns and even mourns for their deaths. We know how that feels.






"Alton Sterling was shot, but hey, I wrote a status condemning the killing. Philando Castile was murdered, but hey, I shared a post about the unjust shooting. Sandra Bland is dead, but hey, I liked a picture against police brutality. There is no status that will allow children like Tamir Rice to play with their toys, no like that will allow the Trayvon Martins to wear their hoodies, no amount of shares that will allow the Eric Garners to breathe. Sympathy does not stop bullets; condolences do not bring back the dead. How long before we stand against the sick mentality that allows the killing of African Americans in this country without any due process, that allows the continuous infringement upon their rights? How long? How long until we actually join the fight against institutionalized racism? How long? How long before we stand up to injustice and hate? How long? How long until black lives matter? May God give us all the strength and ability to stand firm with justice, oh Allah. And may Allah the Almighty always be with all of those that are oppressed, Muslims and non-Muslims alike, oh Allah."


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