Columbia University professor of Modern Arab politics and intellectual history, Joseph Massad said in an October 7, 2024 interview with the Middle East Eye on YouTube that the United States wants to destroy all its possible rivals. He said that the U.S. uses Taiwan to threaten China, and Ukraine to threaten Russia. He pointed out that in the Middle East there are "anti-imperialist and anti-settler colonial forces," such as Palestinian "resistance" groups, Bashar Al-Assad's government in Syria, and Iran. He stated that the Philippines is a "vassal government" of the U.S. and that the claims that China is destabilizing the region are false, because "of course" it is Taiwan and the United States that are destabilizing the region. In an October 9, 2024 interview with the Electronic Intifada, Massad said that Genocide is a Western liberal value.
Professor Joseph Massad: "The U.S. wants to destroy all possible rivals, all possible forces that defy its imperialist will around the world.
"Clearly, the U.S. does not want an all-out war with China, but it uses Taiwan to threaten it and make sure it abides by whatever regulations the U.S. believes it should. Russia is the same thing. It has set up Ukraine as a possible NATO base [from which] to attack and threaten Russia.
"In the Middle East, there are anti-imperialist and anti-settler colonial forces, mostly, of course, the Palestinian resistance, the Lebanese resistance, and a couple of regimes that refuse to abide by the U.S. diktat, these include the Syrian government and the Iranians.
"We also see how client regimes of the U.S. have been trying to mobilize more aggression against China. We have heard a lot of declarations by the Philippine government – a vassal government, really, of the United States – that keeps speaking about how China is destabilizing the region, when in fact, of course, it is Taiwan and the U.S. who are destabilizing that region."