On August 26, 2024, INQUIRER.net published on its YouTube channel a report containing previous-day footage of Chinese Coast Guard vessels harassing Philippine Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR) ships in the West Philippine Sea. The Chinese vessels blasted water cannons at the BFAR vessels and rammed it, inflicting physical damage. According to the report, the Philippine vessel was on a mission to deliver supplies to Filipino fishermen.
Narrator: "Five China Coast Guard ships, fired water cannons against a Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources vessel for about an hour. And rammed it six times near Escoda Shoal in the west Philippine Sea on Sunday August 25. The China Coast Guard ship with bow number 4202 first fired a water cannon at the port side of the vessel about 25 kilometers from Escoda at 1:46 pm. But it did not directly hit the Fisheries Agency's vessel Datu Sanday. The water cannon from the same China Coast Guard ship finally hit the vessel at 2:13 pm. Two minutes after a China Coast Guard ship with bow number 21551 rammed and damaged its starboard side. Minutes later a China Coast Guard ship that first rammed the Datu Sunday also fired its water cannon at Datu Sunday's starboard side.
"At times the China Coast Guard ships simultaneously fired at their water cannons targeting the port and starboard side and the communications equipment of the vessel. There was no letup in the firing of the water cannons until 3:02pm.
"Members of the media, including a reporter from the Philippine Daily Inquirer, were also aboard the Philippine vessel. According to the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources the communications and navigational equipment of its ship were damaged. Some of the windows and ceilings were also damaged. And a wooden chair was cut in half due to the impact. The ship also suffered an engine failure aborting its humanitarian operation to bring supplies to fishermen at Escoda. Alongside its maritime patrol there.
"A crew member of the Philippine ship, who has joined several maritime patrols and has been exposed to water cannon attacks by the China coastguard, said that this was the worst incident he had experienced. A People's Liberation Army Navy ship with bow No. 626 and several China Coast Guard vessels attempted to encircle and block the Datu Sanday several times even as the Filipino crew issued at least 26 radio challenges, telling the Chinese to 'stay clear of our route.'
"Meanwhile, the National Security Council disputed Beijing's claim that Philippines personnel fell overboard and were rescued by the China Coast Guard while on their way to Escoda Shoal. According to the National Security Council, the China Coast Guard was geared to obstruct the mission to resupply Filipino fishermen with diesel, food, and medical supplies."