The following are excerpts from the investigation of the Iraqi terrorist 'Imad Mahmoud Abdallah that aired on Al-Iraqiya TV on March 21, 2005
Investigator: This is the "Emir of Slaughter" 'Imad Mahmoud Abdallah. 'Imad, you were the Emir of which group?
Terrorist: Emir of the mortar squad.
Investigator: What did you need to do to become an Emir?
Terrorist: To have the guts to kill.
Investigator: How many?
Terrorist: A lot, nine, ten, or more.
Investigator: Before you killed all these, what was your salary?
Terrorist: Before I killed them all?
Investigator: Yes, before you became an Emir, what was your salary?
Terrorist: $500.
Investigator: And when you became an Emir?
Terrorist: $1500.
Investigator: You wanted to prove yourself and become an Emir at the expense of Muslim blood. I want you to tell me about the killing of 'Ali Zuheir, where did he work? Where did you kidnap him from? Where did you slaughter him?
Terrorist: We knew that he worked for the National Guard. We kidnapped him from Garaj A'far.
Investigator: Where did you slaughter him?
Terrorist: In the Al-Wahda neighborhood.
Investigator: Did you slaughter him? Who helped you?
Terrorist: I wouldn't slaughter. I used to kill.
Investigator: By shooting?
Terrorist: Yes, sir.
Investigator: None of the commanders taught you how to slaughter?
Terrorist: I couldn't slaughter. They tried, but I couldn't do it.
Investigator: Tell me the truth, just this once.
Terrorist: Yes, sir.
Investigator: How many times did you try to slaughter and failed?
Terrorist: At first, you don't practice on humans, but on animals.
Investigator: What kind of animal would they bring?
Terrorist: They would bring a chicken or a sheep.
Investigator: You were supposed to slaughter them, and if you succeeded, you would try your luck with humans?
Terrorist: Yes, sir.
Investigator: You were an exception because you wouldn't slaughter with a knife?
Terrorist: Yes, sir.
Investigator: So how did you kill Ali Zuheir?
Terrorist: With a gun.
Investigator: How many shots?
Terrorist: Maybe three or four.
Investigator: Where?
Terrorist: In his head.