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Sep 06, 2024
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In Cape Town, South Africa Sermon, Sheikh Riyadh Walls Cites Kuwaiti Muslim Brotherhood Leader Al-Suwaidan, Says: We Must Follow The Example Of The Resistance In Gaza, West Bank, Remove The Love Of This Life And The Hatred Of Death From Our Hearts

#11436 | 01:21
Source: Online Platforms - "Masjidus Sunni YouTube channel"

Sheikh Riyadh Walls said in a September 6, 2024 sermon at Masjidus Sunni in Cape Town, South Africa that the "resistance" in Gaza and the West Bank are the "tip of the spear," that the liberation of Palestine will only come after the Muslims collectively follow their example, and that "two million [Gazans] are teaching two billion [people] how to be Muslims, how to remove the weakness from our hearts [of] love of this life and hatred of death." He cited Kuwaiti Muslim Brotherhood leader Tareq Al-Suwaidan (see MEMRI TV Clip No. 11431 and 11309). The sermon was livestreamed on the Masjidus Sunni YouTube channel.

Sheikh Riyadh Walls: "I don't know if you saw the clip of Dr. Tareq Al-Suwaidan. He's an Islamic scholar in Kuwait. He said that we mustn't wait for the resistance in Gaza or the West Bank to liberate Palestine. They're but the tip of the spear. They are only the tip of the spear.

"The liberation of the Holy Land is only going to come when we collectively follow that example that is being set by those who are resisting occupation in Palestine, whether they be in the West Bank, but more specifically in Gaza.

"So I've been saying, two million [Gazans] are teaching two billion [people] how to be Muslims, how to remove the weakness from our hearts, [which is] love of this life and hatred of death."

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