Canadian Imam Sheikh Younus Kathrada said in a November 24, 2023, Friday sermon titled, "Is Islam at War?", which was posted to the Muslim Youth Victoria channel on YouTube on November 24, 2023, that the Zionists in Palestine are aggressors, occupiers, invaders, and criminals, and that anybody who says that Israel has the right to defend itself is actually saying that the Zionists have the right to wipe out the Muslims of Palestine. He said that the disbelievers are united against Israel, and at the end of the sermon he prayed for Allah to support the mujahideen, to humiliate the infidels, to destroy the enemies of Islam, and to bring annihilation upon "the plundering and criminal Jews."
Canadian Imam Sheikh Younus Kathrada: "Look at what is happening in Palestine. The Zionists are occupiers. They are the aggressors. They came to a land that doesn't belong to them. They are the criminals. But what do we hear the world saying? They are saying that Israel—that's what they claim the name of the country is. So we're just using the names that they use. That country's name is Palestine, not Israel. In any event, they say that Israel has the right to defend herself. Seriously? The occupier, the invader, the aggressor—they have the right to defend themselves? Anyone with an ounce of logic and understanding will see how wrong that is.
"So you will learn from this that the disbelievers, at large, we are speaking in general terms, and this is exactly what is unfolding before our eyes. Understand that they stand against Islam and the Muslims. So when they say that Israel has the right to defend herself, what they are saying is that the Zionists have to the right to wipe out the Muslims of Palestine.
"Oh, Allah, grant glory to Islam and the Muslims, and humiliate the infidels and the polytheists. Oh, Allah, destroy the enemies of Islam, and annihilate the heretics and the atheists. Oh, Allah, support the mujihadeen [fighters] in Your path everywhere. Oh, Allah, make their feet firm, strengthen their hearts and grant them tranquility. Oh, Allah, support them against their enemies and Your enemies. Oh, Allah, support all the oppressed Muslims everywhere. Oh, Allah, bring annihilation upon the plundering and criminal Jews. Oh, Allah, annihilate them because they are no match for you. Oh, Allah, show us the black day that You inflict upon them. Oh, Allah, make their plots backfire on them. Oh, Allah, shake the ground under their feet."