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Aug 14, 2005
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Basij Students Demand to Take Over British Embassy in Tehran

#812 | 00
Source: Channel 1 (Iran)Channel 2 (Iran)Al-Jadeed TV (Lebanon)

The following are excerpts from news segments about Basij students protesting in front of the British embassy against Britain's position on Iran's nuclear activities, which aired on various TV channels on August 14, 2005.

Al-'Alam TV:

Students: Banish the English mercenary. Death to America. Death to England. Death to the hypocrites (Mojahedin-e Khalq) and Saddam. Death to Israel. Allah Akbar. Death to America.

Channel 2, Iranian TV

Reporter: The human circle of Basij students in front of the British embassy warned England's spy-like and experienced diplomats that they cannot ignore Iran's right to use nuclear energy for peaceful purposes.

Channel 1, Iranian TV

Reporter: Tehran - The unnecessary European insistence on stopping Iran's nuclear activities brought protesting students to the British embassy in Tehran.

Students: Shut down the British embassy.

New TV (Lebanon)

Reporter: The students threw rocks and tomatoes at the embassy demanding to take over the embassy and banish the so-called English spy. They chanted "death" to Germany, France, America, and Israel.

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