Bahraini MP Jamal Bu Hassan said that Iran claims that its nuclear program is intended for peaceful purposes, but in fact, it is a military program, and that the GCC countries, with the help of European countries and the superpowers must stop it. He made these remarks in an interview with Diwan Al-Mullah Online TV that aired on April 14, 2021. He said that the GCC has the necessary military capabilities to attack Iran, if needed, but the GCC countries are peaceful countries and have no intention of attacking or harming Iran. However, Bu Hassan added, if Iran does decide to invade one of the GCC countries, their military forces will be "lying in wait" so Iran will not dare to do so. He continued to say that Turkish president Erdoğan's rule is a threat to all Arab countries, including the GCC, because he seeks to become a sultan and restore the Ottoman Empire.
Jamal Bu Hassan: "We should be preparing, from now, to when the Iranian [nuclear] program is complete. Iran is moving forward with its nuclear program, and yet we, the countries of the Gulf Cooperation Council, have not prepared any future plan for a nuclear confrontation with Iran. True, the UAE has built a nuclear reactor, but it is for clean energy purposes, and is nothing like the Iranian nuclear program. Saudi Arabia has a plan as well. The GCC countries should unite in order to confront Iran with this plan. We should contact European countries and the superpowers, in order to stop the Iranian nuclear program, and not to confront Iran. We must stop this plan, because Iran claims that it is for peaceful purposes, but the truth is that this is a military plan.
"We have a military strike force. It is a strategic force. We have very advanced air forces. We have infantry forces and navies. Therefore, I believe that we can do more than just stop Iran. It is my belief, on the basis of strategic studies of the GCC forces that I read compared to the Iranian forces... I believe that we can even attack Iran. However, the GCC countries are peaceful countries with no intention of harming or attacking Iran. However, if Iran intends to invade any Gulf country, then the GCC forces will be lying in wait and will stop it. Iran knows this, so it will not go on the adventure of attacking any Gulf country.
"Erdogan's government cannot be trusted. It needs to change or to be replaced. It must either change internally, or be replaced through elections, because Erdogan's rule constitutes a threat to the Arab countries, including the GCC. That man has his eyes set on becoming a sultan, restoring the Ottoman Empire, and conquering the Arab countries. He does not believe that the GCC countries, with their great capabilities, deserve to exist. No. In his view, the GCC countries should be subjected to the Turkish superpower."