In a recent demonstration in Australia, Ismail Al-Wahwah (a.k.a. "Abu Anas"), the leader of the Australian chapter of Hizb ut-Tahrir, said: "Syria will become, Allah willing, the graveyard of the czars and their dreams and of the infidel West in its entirety." His address was posted on the Internet on October 5, 2015.
Following are excerpts:
Ismail Al-Wahwah: The Russian Bear is coming to Syria today. The criminal Putin, heir to the Czars, who dreams of restoring the glory of his forefathers, remembers the words of Russia's Czarina Catherine the Great, who said, in the 19th century: "The key to my home in Russia is in Syria."
Today, Putin thinks that he will carry out what Catherine the Great, the Russian czars, and Communism failed to achieve. But Putin will be surprised, just as Brezhnev was surprised in the past. Just as Afghanistan was the graveyard of Communism, Syria will become, Allah willing, the graveyard of the czars and they dreams, and of the infidel West in its entirety.
Announcer at demonstration: Say: "Allah Akbar!"
Crowd: Allah Akbar!
Announcer at demonstration: Say: "Allah Akbar!"
Crowd: Allah Akbar!
Ismail Al-Wahwah: Putin wants to make history, but we say to him that this will not happen. If America, Europe, Putin, China, Tehran's mercenaries, and others are preparing a world war against Islam in Syria, I inform you that this will be the Great War in Ghouta.
The war revolves around faith, believe, and principles. They try to negotiate with us. They say: Either you join our secularism, capitalism, and democracy, or you will die. But we say to them: Allah willing, we will raise our banner, we will be victorious, and we will save humanity from your evil, and from the evil of your principles, ideologies, and oppression. We will be those who save humanity, Allah wiling.