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Apr 12, 2019
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Khamenei's Representative in Qods Force: We Take Pride in Being Killed by Zionists; We Join the IRGC In Order to Sacrifice Our Lives

#7189 | 02:24
Source: Sahand TV (Iran)

Ali Shirazi, Khamenei's representative in the IRGC's Qods Force, said in a speech he delivered at a memorial service for a Qods Force soldier killed in an Israeli airstrike on the T4 Airbase in Syria that it is an honor and a source of pride for IRGC members to be killed by Zionists, which he said are the "most monstrous of humans." He said that Iranian three-year-olds understand things better than Trump, Netanyahu, or Obama, and he thanked God that Europe, America, Trump, and the Zionists are hostile to and afraid of the IRGC, because this proves that the Iranian people are on the right path. He said: "We did not join the IRGC in order to stay alive. We have come here to sacrifice our lives and to be torn to pieces so that our religion remains. This is what Trump, Netanyahu, and their ilk do not understand." Shirazi's speech aired on Sahand TV (Iran) on April 12, 2019.

Following are excerpts:


Ali Shirazi: The martyr Zavvar Jannati was martyred by the most monstrous humans. He was martyred by a bullet shot by the Zionists. It is an honor for an IRGC member to be killed by the most monstrous humans. It is a source of pride.




Our expectations from people are defined by the level of their understanding and reason. We do not expect Netanyahu, Trump, or Obama to have the understanding of a single three-year-old Iranian child – I'm not even talking about the Iranian people as a whole… A 3-year-old Iranian boy understands better than the heads of the government of arrogance.




Today, America is afraid of you. Europe is afraid of the Iranian people. The Zionists are afraid of the Iranian people. Thank God that they are afraid. Thank God that Trump and his ilk are hostile to the IRGC. This proves that the Iranian people are on the right path. This proves that the IRGC are on the right path. We are proud of this. We did not join the IRGC in order to stay alive. We have come here to sacrifice our lives and to be torn to pieces, so that our religion remains. This is what Trump, Netanyahu, and their ilk do not understand.

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