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Jan 19, 2025
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Hamas Representative In Lebanon Ahmad Abdel Hadi: Protests In The U.S. Prove That The World Has Adopted The Palestinian Narrative And Discarded Claims About The 'Falsified Jewish Holocaust'; America Offered Hamas Full Control Over Gaza And West Bank

#11776 | 01:58
Source: Al-Jadeed TV (Lebanon)NBN TV (Lebanon)

Hamas's representative in Lebanon Ahmad Abdel Hadi said in a January 19, 2025 appearance on NBN TV (Lebanon) that the demonstrations in the United States by the youth, the future leaders, prove that the world has adopted the Palestinian narrative and discarded the "false Zionist narrative" and the "falsified Jewish Holocaust." In a January 20, 2025 appearance on Al-Jadeed TV (Lebanon), he said that the Americans offered Hamas a deal through backchannels to stop fighting Israel in exchange for control over the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, without the Palestinian Authority, along with enough money to turn Gaza into Switzerland.

Ahmad Abdel Hadi: "Today, the Palestinian narrative has been adopted throughout the world, at the expense of the false Zionist narrative.


"Otherwise, what is the meaning of the demonstrations in the United States, by the youth, who are the leaders of the future, and who have adopted the Palestinian narrative, throwing aside the claims about the falsified Jewish Holocaust. This will have implications in the medium and long terms.


"One of the reasons for the 'Flood' was an American plan that would turn the Zionist enemy into the boss of the region, as part of the normalization of its relations. In addition, they wanted to incorporate the occupation into the region by means of strategic, military, and economic alliances, and prepare the region for U.S. dominance over the maritime passages, as well as the oil and gas in the region, in order to use them in the big war with China over world domination. So when we landed a blow on this occupation, we landed a blow on the American plan too.


"One day, the Americans and others offered us to stop the war, sign a very long-term Hudna, and end the resistance to the occupation, and in exchange, they will give us Gaza and the West Bank, and we will be able to do whatever we want there, with no Palestinian Authority or anything..."

Interviewer: "Was this an official proposal?"

Hadi: "Yes, official proposal that came under the table, through many channels, time and again."

Interviewer: "To stop the fighting and get the Gaza Strip..."

Hadi: "...and the West Bank. In addition, they promised to give us money, and to turn Gaza into Switzerland."

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