In his November 22, 2024 Friday sermon at the Kansas City Islamic Center, Muhammad Tarife said that the Islamic nation is the "best nation" and that it was brought to the world in order to encourage others to do good. He supplicated: "Oh Allah, annihilate the criminal Zionists, […] kill them one by one, and do not spare a single one of them […] allow us to torment them with our own hands, […] and heal the hearts of the believers." The sermon was uploaded to the YouTube channel of the Kansas City Islamic Center, where in 2023, Dr. Mohamed Kohia, Professor of Physical Therapy at Rockhurst University, referred to the October 7 attack as a "miracle."
Muhammad Tarife: "My dear respected brothers, know that you were created in this world in a nation that should be a leading nation. Allah says in the Quran: 'You are a nation that was brought to people. You are the best nation. Why? Because you call for that which is good. You encourage others to do good.'
"Oh, Allah, annihilate the criminal Zionists – those of whom are Zionists and those who are not. Oh, Allah, count them, kill them one by one, and do not spare a single one of them, for they are no match for You. Oh, Allah, allow us torment them with our own hands, humiliate them, grant us victory over them, and heal the hearts of the believers."