In a memorial march and rally in honor of Palestinian "martyrs," protesters chanted: "If we don't get no justice, then they don't get no peace." Video of the march that took place on July 31, 2021 was posted on the YouTube channel of Karla Ann on August 2, 2021. Protesters also chanted: "With our blood and our spirit, we will redeem you, oh Palestine!"
In a video of the rally that followed the march, which was posted on August 2, 2021 on the YouTube channel of JavierSorianoNY, Nerdeen Kiswani of Within Our Lifetime, who was the M.C. of the event, led the crowd in chanting in Arabic: "The Gate of Al-Aqsa is made of steel, it can be opened only by martyrs [...] either we liberate [the Al-Aqsa Mosque] or we die." She also led the crowd in English chants such as: "From the River to the Sea, Palestine will be free" and "New York to Gaza, globalize the Intifada!"
Nancy Mansour of Existence Is Resistance led the crowd with the chant: "I am with the resistance." She said that anyone who said that Palestinians should not be calling for resistance and violence should "stand the f*ck up."
Marz Saffore of Decolonize This Place said that the World Jewish Congress is working on changing the definition of antisemitism so that "resisting the settler state of Israel and fighting for Palestine" would be criminalized. She said that there are many "Palestine related targets" in New York, like the World Jewish Congress and the options to "strike back" are endless.
Mike of the International League of Peoples' Struggles led the crowd in chants calling for the defeat of "U.S. imperialist war" and to "smash the settler Zionist state." For more information about Nerdeen Kiswani, see MEMRITV clips Nos. 8932, 8113, 7628, 6311, 6100, and 5560. In May 2021, the Twitter account of Decolonize This Place tweeted: "Wondering what to do in solidarity in the meantime? Find Zionist targets nearby, find where those Zionist fools live and where their offices are, and act!"
Nerdeen Kiswani, Within Our Lifetime: "From the River to the Sea..."
Crowd: "From the River to the Sea..."
Kiswani: "Palestine will be free!"
Crowd: "Palestine will be free!"
Kiswani: "The gate of Al-Aqsa is made of iron..."
Crowd: "The gate of Al-Aqsa is made of iron..."
Kiswani: "It can be opened only by martyrs!"
Crowd: "It can be opened only by martyrs!"
Kiswani: "Oh martyr, rest assured..."
Crowd: "Oh martyr, rest assured..."
Kiswani: "We will continue the struggle!"
Crowd: "We will continue the struggle!"
Kiswani: "Oh martyr, rest assured..."
Crowd: "Oh martyr, rest assured..."
Kiswani: "We will continue the struggle!"
Crowd: "We will continue the struggle!"
Kiswani: "Say 'Allah ' and raise your voice..."
Crowd: "Say 'Allah ' and raise your voice..."
Kiswani: "Either we liberate [Palestine] or we die!
Crowd: "Either we liberate [Palestine] or we die!"
Nancy Mansour, Existence Is Resistance: "I am with the resistance!"
Crowd: "I am with the resistance!"
Mansour: "Every single person, who says that we shouldn't be calling for resistance, that we shouldn't be calling for violence, well then stand the f*ck up! Because we have every right to resist and protect our families and our people, until the day that we die."
Marz Saffore, Decolonize This Place: "As we speak, the World Jewish Congress is working with others to change the definition of antisemitism, so that resisting the settler state of Israel and fighting for Palestine becomes harder and is even criminalized. Where is the World Jewish Congress? Right here in New York City. New York City is full of Palestine related targets. So again I ask, how do we strike back where we are now? The options are endless."
Nerdeen Kiswani, Within Our Lifetime: "New York to Gaza..."
Crowd: "New York to Gaza..."
Kiswani: "Globalize the Intifada!"
Crowd: "Globalize the Intifada!"
Mike, the International League of Peoples' Struggles: "One, two, three, four – defeat U.S. imperialist war!"
Crowd: "One, two, three, four – defeat U.S. imperialist war!"
Mike: "Five, six, seven, eight – smash the settler Zionist state!"
Crowd: "Five, six, seven, eight – smash the settler Zionist state!"
Leader: "If we don't get no justice..."
Crowd: "Then they don't get no peace!"
Leader: "If we don't get no justice..."
Crowd: "Then they don't get no peace!"
Crowd: With our spirit and out blood, we will redeem you, oh Palestine!"
Leader: "Louder!"
Crowd: "With our spirit and out blood, we will redeem you, oh Palestine!"
Crowd: We want all of it!"
Leader: "We will free Palestine..."
Crowd: "We will free Palestine..."
Leader: "Within our lifetime!"
Crowd: "Within our lifetime!"
Nerdeen Kiswani: "We are 100% behind our resistance. When we say that the gate of Al-Aqsa is made of iron and it can only be opened by martyrs – that means that the door of the Al-Aqsa Mosque is made of iron, and nobody can open it but the martyr. That means that we know that our liberation will only come through resistance, by any means necessary. And when we say there is no god but Allah, and the martyr is beloved by Allah – we mean there is no god but God, and what God loves is the martyrs. We know that martyrs are immensely rewarded. We know that they are immensely rewarded for fighting for their liberation, for fighting for their rights, for their families, for their loved ones. We also say: Raise your voices and say 'Allah!' Either we will liberate it or we will die. Say 'Allah ' and raise your voices, because either we will liberate Palestine – or we will die trying!
"The people living there, on the ground, have never stopped fighting for the likes of 83 years. And we can never stop fighting until all of Palestine is free, until all of Palestine is free, every single inch of Palestine, from the [Jordan] River to the [Mediterranean] Sea. We don't want two states. We don't want two states. We don't want a Zionist Israeli state next to us."