July 29, 2024 Special Dispatch No. 11472

In Urdu Daily, Pakistani Blogger Safoora Jabeen Advocates Martyrdom: 'In Every Era, Islam Demands Sacrifice, Whether It Be In The Field Of Karbala, The Jihad Of Afghanistan, Rohingya, Kashmir, Syria, Or Gaza'

July 29, 2024
Pakistan | Special Dispatch No. 11472

To mark the martyrdom of Imam Hussain, the grandson of the founder of Islam Muhammad at the Battle of Karbala (October 10, 680), Pakistani blogger Safoora Jabeen wrote a piece praising acts of martyrdom and encouraging young Muslims "to stop undue oppression and excesses and to support those who resist."

In the Islamic world, especially among Shi'ite Muslims, Yaum-e-Ashura was marked on July 17, 2024, which denotes the martyrdom of Imam Hussain at the Battle of Karbala, a critical event following which Muslims diverged into two main sects: Sunnis and Shi'ites.

In the blog post, titled "Martyrdom Is The Desired Goal Of The Believer," Safoora Jabeen advocated martyrdom in the context of the fighting in Gaza, saying: "Jihad was linked to terrorism, but today the terrorism of Israel and America has become evident to the whole world."

Following are excerpts from the blog:[1]

"In the Quran, Allah has forbidden calling a martyr dead.

"The concept of being present is found in a martyr. Due to the love of Allah, a martyr does not feel pain at the moment of martyrdom, just like Zulaikha's friends did not feel the pain of cutting their fingers due to worldly love. Blind love compels one person to dig a canal and makes another sit on an unbaked earthen vessel.

"The love for the True Creator leads one to the rank of martyrdom. Martyrdom has come to thousands and millions, but the acceptance and distinction that came to Imam Hussain (may Allah be pleased with him) is unparalleled.

"In every era, Islam demands sacrifice, whether it be in the field of Karbala, the jihad of Afghanistan, Rohingya, Kashmir, Syria, or Gaza, we see the portrayal of bravery, patience, endurance, and reliance on Allah. Jihad was linked to terrorism, but today the terrorism of Israel and America has become evident to the whole world. The hunter has fallen into his own trap, and the soft image of Islam has become clear to the entire world.

"Today, the martyrdom of Imam Hussain [at the Battle of Karbala] has become a symbol of victimhood for the youth instead of a symbol of bravery, just as prayer... has become a means for obtaining jobs and resolving problems. And the Quran, instead of being a guide for the implementation of Islam, has been reduced to becoming merely a source for reading, teaching, gaining rewards, securing sustenance, and healing illnesses.

"May Allah grant us the understanding of the true spirit of worship, Amen. Imam Hussain (may Allah be pleased with him) said that if you find an unjust ruler among you and do not stop him with your hand or tongue, then Allah will place you in the same place where he will place the unjust ruler. It is the right of a person to stop undue oppression and excesses and to support those who resist."


[1] Roznama Jasarat (Pakistan), July 18, 2024.

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