June 14, 2024 Special Dispatch No. 11397

UC Berkeley Prof. Hatem Bazian Livestreams On Facebook From Campus Protest Encampment: Our Martyrs' Souls Will Soar Above Liberated Jerusalem, Free From The Defilement Of Their Killers; Long Live The Palestinian Resistance!

June 14, 2024
United States | Special Dispatch No. 11397

UC Berkeley Professor Hatem Bazian shared a livestream from the Gaza encampment at the University on May 7, 2024 on his Facebook page, in which speakers praised the Palestinian "resistance." A woman said that the souls of the Palestinian martyrs will one day soar over "a liberated Jerusalem, free from the defilement of their killers." Another woman led the crowd in a chant: "Glory to our noble resistance! […] Long live the Palestinian resistance!" A man led the crowd in a chant vowing to return to Acre, Jaffa, Safed, and Haifa. Bazian also spoke at the event, however his speech is not included in this clip.

Bazian is the chairman of the National Board of AMP – American Muslims for Palestine, and was a co-founder of SJP – Students for Justice in Palestine. He is also a co-founder and faculty member at Zaytuna College.

To view the clip of UC Berkeley Prof. Hatem Bazian's Facebook Livestream, click here or below:

"Peace Be Upon Our Martyrs Whose Souls Will One Day Soar Over A Liberated Jerusalem, Free From The Defilement Of Their Killers"

Speaker 1: "Peace be upon the Palestinian people, whose sheer existence is resistance. Peace be upon our Palestinian resistance who have taught us to fight for what is rightfully ours. Peace be upon our martyrs whose souls will one day soar over a liberated Jerusalem, free from the defilement of their killers.

"We are now 13 or 14 days into our encampment here in Berkeley, and we are not here for fun and games. We are here to tell them that as long as you continue this annihilation of our people, we will continue to punch your power in its eye, we will continue to be a headache, we will continue to be a thorn in your neck like our resistance is, and we will continue to fight for our people as our resistance has taught us."

"Israel Has Failed To Destroy The Palestinian Right To Resist... We See That With The Student Intifada, Spread Across 150 Universities Across The World"

Speaker 2: "Israel has failed to destroy the Palestinian right to resist. They have failed to destroy support for Palestine and Palestinian resistance. They will fail to extinguish the will to struggle, from Gaza to across the world. We see that with the student intifada, spread across 150 universities across the world..."

"Glory To The Martyrs! Glory To Our Noble Resistance!"

Speaker 3: "Glory to the martyrs! Glory to the martyrs! Glory to our noble resistance! Glory to our noble resistance! And glory to the people! And glory to the people! Long live the Palestinian people and long live the Palestinian resistance! Long live the Palestinian people and long live the Palestinian resistance!"

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