June 27, 2011 Special Dispatch No. 3948

Senior Pakistani Journalist Khaled Ahmed Reviews Book Revealing Al-Qaeda's Penetration of Pakistani Military

June 27, 2011
Pakistan | Special Dispatch No. 3948

Recently, Pakistan's renowned investigative journalist Syed Saleem Shahzad was kidnapped and killed, allegedly by the country's Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) after he revealed the presence of Al-Qaeda cells within the Pakistani military in a recent article and in a new book. Journalists in Pakistan have accused the ISI of his murder, while the Pakistani government has launched a judicial probe into the murder.

In a recent article titled "Saleem Shahzad, Al-Qaeda and ISI," noted Pakistani journalist Khaled Ahmed reviewed Syed Saleem Shahzad's book, noting the main points that connect former and serving Pakistan Army officers to Al-Qaeda. The article also noted that many jihadist organizations in Pakistan continue to work simultaneously for Al-Qaeda and for these Pakistani military officers. ...

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