August 17, 2009 Inquiry & Analysis Series No. 542

The Rise (and Fall?) of the Islamic Emirate in Gaza

August 17, 2009 | By D. Lav*
Inquiry & Analysis Series No. 542

On August 14, 2009, the radical Sheikh 'Abd Al-Latif Musa, aka Abu Al-Nur Al-Maqdisi, denounced Hamas from the pulpit of the Ibn Taymiyya Mosque in Rafah and declared the formation of an Islamic Emirate in Palestine. He called on those with weapons to enroll under the "military command of the Ibn Taymiyya Mosque." Following prayers, Hamas security forces laid siege to the mosque and to surrounding buildings in which the rebels had taken up positions. When the smoke cleared, 22 people were dead, including 'Abd Al-Latif Musa and a high-level Hamas military commander; scores of others were wounded.


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