January 7, 2013 Inquiry & Analysis Series No. 917

A Profile Of Senior Jabhat Al-Nusra Leader Maysar Al-Jubouri

January 7, 2013 | By R. Green*
Inquiry & Analysis Series No. 917

The U.S. recently designated the jihad group Jabhat Al-Nusra (JN), which it considers a branch of Al-Qaeda in Iraq, as a terrorist organization, and also designated two of the group's top leaders: Anas Hassan Khattab and Maysar Ali Moussa 'Abdallah Al-Jubouri. Al-Jubouri (36) is an Iraqi national who came to Syria in mid-2011 to take part in establishing Al-Qaeda's presence in the country, and later became JN's commander in eastern Syria and the group's qadi, the head of its religious-judicial apparatus.[1] On January 2, 2012, Al-Jubouri announced that he is moving to northern Syria, to operate in the battlegrounds of Aleppo and Idlib. ...

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