Religious parties and organizations in Pakistan have kept up their mass protests over Dutch politician Geert Wilders's 'anti-Koran' movie 'Fitna' and the Danish newspapers' republication of Prophet Muhammad's cartoons.
The Danish newspapers republished the cartoons on February 13, 2008 and Geert Wilders released his film on March 27, 2008. In Muslim nations, protests over these issues have generally decreased but in Pakistan religious groups are organizing rallies and seminars to highlight the issue.
On May 2, 2008, several religious groups led by Jamaat Ahl-e-Sunnat Pakistan organized a mass rally in the city of Karachi against the republication of the cartoons and Geert Wilders's film, 'Fitna.'
For previous reports on this subject see:
Special Dispatch 1874 "Protests in Pakistani Towns over the Danish Newspapers' Republication of Islam's Prophet Muhammad Cartoons":
Protests in Pakistani Towns over the Danish Newspapers' Republication of Islam's Prophet Muhammad CartoonsProtests in Pakistani Towns over the Danish Newspapers' Republication of Islam's Prophet Muhammad Cartoons
Special Dispatch 1893 "Protests Continue in Pakistan over Geert Wilders's 'Anti-Koran' Film 'Fitna,' Danish Newspapers' Reprinting of Muhammad Cartoons":
People participate in the Karachi rally organized by Tahaffuz-e-Namoos-e-Risalat Action Committee (The Committee for the Protection of the Prophet's Honor).
Source: Roznama Express (Pakistan), May 4, 2008
Participants shouted slogans against the Danish government.
Source: Roznama Mashriq (Pakistan), May 4, 2008
Thousands take part in the Karachi rally.
Source: Roznama Khabrain (Pakistan), May 4, 2008
A women's rally was organized in Karachi by Jamaat-e-Islami Pakistan. The banner reads: See the Western terrorism
Source: Roznama Express (Pakistan), April 27, 2008
A students' protest organized by Tanzim-e-Tulaba Ahl-e-Sunnat, Pakistan
Source: Roznama Express (Pakistan), April 25, 2008
Protests organized in Lahore and Karachi cities.
Source: Roznama Express (Pakistan), April 25, 2008
A protest organized by Nizam-e-Mustafa (Prophet's System) party.
Source: Roznama Jang (Pakistan), April 23, 2008
A protest organized by the Jamiat Tulaba-e-Islam in Karachi.
Source: Roznama Express (Pakistan), April 18, 2008
A protest organized by the Jamaat Ahle Sunnat Pakistan in front of the Karachi Press Club.
Source: Roznama Jang (Pakistan), April 13, 2008
In Karachi, protesters burn the effigy of cartoonist Kurt Westergaard.
Source: Roznama Express (Pakistan), April 13, 2008
An elderly man in Karachi protests against the cartoons.
Source: Roznama Express (Pakistan), April 12, 2008