March 21, 2022 Special Dispatch No. 9842

Moscow-Based Syrian Journalist Zain Alabiden Shiban: America Is Using Ukrainian Bio-Labs To Create A Virus That Can Exterminate The Russian Race

March 21, 2022
Russia, Syria | Special Dispatch No. 9842

Moscow-Based Syrian journalist Zain Alabiden Shiban said in a March 13, 2022 show on Al-Ikhbariya TV (Syria) that the U.S. has turned Ukraine into an "experiment ground" where it is developing a virus that could "exterminate the Russian race." He said that America has "thousands of samples from the Slavic race" and is using biological labs in Ukraine to engineer a disease that attacks only Russians.

To view the clip of Zain Alabiden Shiban on MEMRI TV, click here or below.

"America Has Turned Ukraine Into An Experiment Ground For Extremely Dangerous Diseases That Might Harm Humanity As A Whole"

Zain Alabiden Shiban: "This document exposes the biological labs and the catastrophic consequences of what America is doing. America has turned Ukraine into an experiment ground for extremely dangerous diseases that might harm humanity as a whole.

"America Has Taken Thousands Of Samples From The Slavic Race In Order To Exterminate The Russian Race Using A Virus Resembling The Coronavirus"

"Furthermore, America has taken thousands of samples from the Slavic race, in order to exterminate the Russian race using a virus resembling the coronavirus. We know that the coronavirus disease does not have a clinical pattern. It kills some people but is harmless to other people. This is why America conducts experiments with certain viruses that affect only a certain group. This is what Russia is proving for everybody to see."

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