December 12, 2019 Special Announcements No. 839

MEMRI Needs Your Support Today – Donate To Our 2019 End-Of-Year Campaign

December 12, 2019
Special Announcements No. 839

For over two decades, MEMRI has been meeting the constantly evolving challenge of "bridging the language gap" between the Arab and Muslim world – the Middle East, Iran, Turkey, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and North Africa – and the West, providing vital research, translations from primary sources, and original analysis. Since 2016, when Russia entered into Syria in a forceful way, MEMRI has also monitored Russian media. Every day, MEMRI assists and works with authorities such as counterterrorism officials, the U.S. federal government and government agencies, and law enforcement, militaries, and others, to handle threats and prevent terror attacks, and with media and academia to shed light on the complexities of the region. MEMRI research is made available free of charge to the general public. No one else is doing the work that MEMRI does.

As one of the world's most productive nonprofit think tanks focusing on the Middle East and South Asia, so far in 2019 MEMRI has published 567 Special Dispatch translations, 57 Inquiry and Analysis reports, and 26 Daily Briefs – as well as releasing 714 MEMRI TV clips that have had a total of over 20 million views, and sending out 765 emails of translations and research to readers like you.

Today, we are asking you, our loyal readers, to help us continue this essential work. We cannot do this without you.



  • Sermons Project – Exposing radical imams preaching anti-Semitism, Holocaust denial, and extremism. Recent MEMRI TV clips of hate-filled sermons by imams throughout the U.S. and Canada have prompted widespread criticism from political leaders and public apologies from some imams.

  • White Supremacist Online Incitement Project – Examining this incitement, hatred, and extremism on social media, and how it intersects with similar jihadi content on the same platforms. On July 15, MEMRI presented its research findings at a summit convened by the U.S. attorney-general, with the participation of the Education and Treasury Department secretaries and the director of the FBI.

  • Lantos Archives on Anti-Semitism and Holocaust Denial – Named for the distinguished late Tom Lantos, the only Holocaust survivor to serve in Congress, this project exposes Muslim anti-Semitism in the Arab and Muslim world and in the West, and maintains the largest archives in the world on this subject.

  • Reform Project – Seeking out and amplifying the voices of Arab and Muslim figures and intellectuals who preach tolerance and coexistence, promote civil, human, and women's rights, and speak out against and counter hatred, anti-Semitism, and jihad.

  • MEMRI TV – This project, which maintains the largest archives in the world of broadcast video content translated from Arabic and Farsi into English, is an increasingly costly endeavor. Producing MEMRI TV clips demands advanced technology and extensive human expertise – from monitoring, recording, and reviewing raw programming to translating, captioning, and uploading clips.

  • The MEMRI Jihad and Terrorism Threat Monitor (JTTM) Project – Monitoring, tracking, and researching organizations and groups such as ISIS – now possibly resurgent – and Al-Qaeda, and their offshoots and sympathizers across the globe. In the past two years, MEMRI has provided U.S. and Western authorities with massive amounts of information on jihadis, including potential lone-wolf attackers – leading, in many cases, to arrests and prosecutions.

  • The MEMRI Cyber and Jihad Lab (CJL) – This project monitors jihadi and other hacktivist groups and activity emanating from the Middle East, Iran, and South Asia – including conducting cutting-edge research on jihadis' use of cryptocurrency. Following its publication of its new report on terrorist usage of cryptocurrencies, MEMRI received and complied with numerous government requests for briefings on the subject.


In all 50 U.S. states and Washington, DC, lawmakers and other decision-makers, as well as counterterrorism officials, law enforcement, and other first responders turn to MEMRI for its research. In the U.S. Congress, MEMRI meets regularly with staff of leading Republican and Democratic members of Congress and committees, sharing the latest MEMRI research on the Middle East and terrorism and discussing ways of helping to stop online terror recruitment and funding. To the White House and federal agencies – Departments of State, Homeland Security, and Justice, the National Counterterrorism Center, the TSA, and others – MEMRI provides all its latest research on emerging terrorism threats and trends, anti-Semitic incitement, and more.

In the U.S. and worldwide, MEMRI research has prevented terrorist attacks. We also assist academia, including 700+ universities, colleges, and other institutes of higher learning, in the U.S. and worldwide. MEMRI research is regularly used by leading U.S. print and broadcast media outlets – including The Washington Post, The New York Times, Wall Street Journal, NBC, ABC, CBS, FOX, and CNN, as well as by foreign media.



Please support MEMRI today to help us continue our success. Your donation is 100% tax-deductible. You may donate online at, mail a check to MEMRI, P.O. Box 27837, Washington, DC 20038-7837, or phone us at 202-955-9070.

In gratitude for your consideration,


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