At an April 9, 2019 event honoring Iran's ninth National Nuclear Technology Day, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani authorized the installation of a cascade of 20 IR-6 centrifuges. The master of ceremonies asked the crowd to wave their flags in honor of the "Jihadi efforts" of Iran's nuclear industrialists and scientists, of the Atomic Energy Organization, and of other relevant organizations. Rouhani then delivered an address in which he said that economic sanctions cannot and will not succeed in blocking the progress and development of the Iranian people and their scientists. He stated that Iran has unveiled 114 new technologies in the past year via the Atomic Energy Organization. Addressing Iran's enemies, he added: "If you persevere in your injustice and wrongdoing, you will also see a chain of IR-8 centrifuges in the not-so-distant future." The event aired on IRINN TV (Iran).
To view the clip of Iranian President Hassan Rouhani on MEMRI TV, click here or below.
"In Honor Of All The Jihadi Efforts Of Our Country's Nuclear Industrialists... I Ask You To Gloriously Wave Your Flags"
Hassan Rouhani: "Please initiate the installation of a chain of 20 IR-6 centrifuges – with the blessing of Allah."
Master of Ceremonies: "Dear audience, you have flags. In honor of all the Jihadi efforts of our country's nuclear industrialists, as well as the efforts invested in the Atomic Energy Organization, the Office of the Vice President for Science and Technology, and the other relevant organizations, I ask you to gloriously wave your flags for a full minute, and applaud all the nuclear scientists of our country. Do it in in their honor, please."
"Throughout The Past Year, We Have Launched 114 New Technologies Via The Atomic Energy Organization Of Iran... We Have Acquired Missiles And Weapons That You Could Not Have Imagined"
Hassan Rouhani: "If you claim that you can block advanced technology with your sanctions – you are lying and you know it.
"Today, and throughout the past year, we have launched 114 new technologies via the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran. This is the message to the world: You have not succeeded and you will not succeed in preventing the progress and development of the Iranian people and [their] scientists. If yesterday you feared our IR-1 centrifuges – well, here you go!
"Today, we launched a chain of 20 IR-6 centrifuges. If you persevere in your injustice and wrongdoing, you will also see a chain of IR-8 centrifuges in the not-so-distant future. You cannot prevent the scientific progress of the Iranian people. If the purpose of your sanctions was to diminish Iran's military power, know that in the past year – as you are fully aware – we have acquired missiles and weapons that you could not have imagined."