January 27, 2021 Special Announcements No. 1017

To Mark International Holocaust Remembrance Day, MEMRI Releases Research And Clips On Holocaust Denial From The Past Year

January 27, 2021
Special Announcements No. 1017

WASHINGTON, D.C., January 27, 2021 – January 27, 2021 marks International Holocaust Remembrance Day. For over two decades, the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) has been monitoring and documenting antisemitism and Holocaust denial from the Arab and Muslim world, maintaining the largest archives in the world of this content as part of the MEMRI Tom Lantos Archives on Antisemitism and Holocaust Denial. This past year, we have published numerous reports and videos of Holocaust denial, some of which are included below. To see more, visit the Lantos Project website.

The MEMRI Lantos Archives on Antisemitism and Holocaust Denial documents antisemitic themes in Arabic, Farsi, Urdu-Pashtu, and Turkish newspaper reports, editorials, and other media sources, distributing all its research - reports, analysis, and videos - through the Lantos Project website and all its videos through the Lantos Project MEMRI TV page.

The project informs governments, policymakers, and law enforcement and intelligence agencies, as well as media, academia, and the general public, so that they may gain a greater understanding of these issues. Its projects researching antisemitism support legislation on Capitol Hill and throughout the West.

MEMRI Research On Holocaust Denial 2020-2021

#8589 - Jordanian-Palestinian Academic Dr. Ibrahim Alloush: No Jew Or Non-Jew Died In The Gas Chambers, Because There Were No Gas Chambers


#8502 - British Islamist Dr. Abdur-Rahman Dimashqiah: The Holocaust Was Divine Punishment, Hitler Justified It In Mein Kampf; The Jews Committed A 'Holocaust' Against Jesus - Christians Should Not Sympathize With Them


#8475 - Egyptian Actor And TV Host Wagdy El-Araby: Macron Tries To Distort The Image Of Islam; The Jews Deserved Being Burned By Hitler


#8472 - Iranian Internet Show: Why Is Insulting 1.8 Billion Muslims Allowed While Insulting 6 Million Jews Is Forbidden? The Sanctity Of The Holocaust Is A Jewish Scam To Take Control Of World Resources


#8431 - Iraqi TV Debate: Hitler Cannot Be Blamed – The Jews Are The Reason For All Strife; COVID-19 Is A Masonic Tool, The Vaccine Will Be Used To Control People Via Satellite


#8290 - Mashhad Friday Sermon By Iranian Ayatollah Ahmad Alamolhoda On Charlie Hebdo Cartoons: Why Is Insulting The Prophet Muhammad Considered Freedom Of Speech While People Who Investigate The 'False and Mythical' Holocaust Are Executed In Europe?


#8023 - Iranian Political Analyst Mojtaba Zakerian: Report About The Holocaust Were 'Media Tales' Intended To Encourage Jewish Immigration To Palestine; Jews Who Objected Were Executed


#8009 - "We Will Pray In Jerusalem" By Lebanese Singer Alu Al-Attar: "Zionism Will Suffer The Most Horrible Holocaust"


#7906 - Palestinian-American Academic Seif Da'na on Hizbullah TV: Coronavirus May Have Leaked from U.S. Lab; Western Economic Policies Kill More People than COVID-19; Hitler Did Not Do Anything “Out of the Ordinary” But Is Viewed as Satan Because He Did It in Europe/span>


#7788 - Friday Sermon by Australian Islamic Scholar Ismail Al-Wahwah: The Jews Exaggerate the Holocaust for Dirty Political Exploitation; Islam Will Conquer Rome and Moscow


#7772 - Jordanian TV Host Omar Ayasra: The Holocaust Is a Story Used by Israel to Extort the West, Get Sympathy; Visiting Auschwitz Helps Israel Survive


#7761 - Egyptian Historian Mohammad Al-Shafi’i: The Jews Profited Most from the Holocaust; Extorted International Community for Reparations


#9045 - Former Palestinian Authority Official: 'Israeli Auschwitz State' Is Waging 'Holocaust' Against The Palestinians


#8697 - Google Algorithm Continues To Spread Antisemitism And Holocaust Denial – Contrary To Google's Claim That It Has Removed Such Material


#8553 - Fatah Representative In Poland: The Holocaust Wasn’t The Only Atrocity Committed During WWII; Israel Inflates The Number of Holocaust Victims To Justify Its Crimes


#213 - Hitler's Propaganda Minister Goebbels Would 'Like' Today's Social Media – And Would Use It To Blame The Jews For The Coronavirus


No other organization does this vital work; all major organizations that focus on antisemitism depend upon the research from this project. MEMRI research and translation efforts on exposing antisemitism in the Arab and Muslim world have provided crucial resources to educate policymakers, media organizations, the public, and others. MEMRI asks for your help to continue this important work through tax-deductible donations.



Exploring the Middle East and South Asia through their media, MEMRI bridges the language gap between the West and the Middle East and South Asia, providing timely translations of Arabic, Farsi, Urdu-Pashtu, Dari, and Turkish media, as well as original analysis of political, ideological, intellectual, social, cultural, and religious trends.

Founded in February 1998 to inform the debate over U.S. policy in the Middle East, MEMRI is an independent, nonpartisan, nonprofit, 501(c)3 organization. MEMRI's main office is located in Washington, DC, with branch offices in various world capitals. MEMRI research is translated into English, French, Polish, Japanese, Spanish, and Hebrew.

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