Following are excerpts from a debate on the Jordanian JoSat TV channel on the crisis in Syria, including Muhammad As'ad Bayoudh Al-Tamimi, a Palestinian-Jordanian politician of the Umma movement, and Mahmoud Al-Bastanjani, a member of the Jordanian Ba'th Party. The debate aired on November 29, 2011 and was posted on the Internet.
Voice of caller Najib 'Attiya: "Hello."
Interviewer: "Welcome, brother Najib. Go ahead."
Najib 'Attiya: "Good evening."
Interviewer: "To you too. Go ahead."
Najib 'Attiya: "Sir, you are screaming so much that we can't understand a thing you say. I ask brother Al-Tamimi to calm down a little. He seems to be yet another victim of Al-Jazeera TV and Al-Arabiya TV. Nobody can deny the pan-Arab role played by Syria. [...]
"I challenge brother Al-Tamimi to check out his underwear. It has 'made in Syria' written on it. The Qatari foreign minister should check out the band holding his kefiyah. It has 'made in Syria' written on it. Syria is our country. Syria is the Levant. From Syria, we fought the Crusaders and the Mongols..."
Muhammad As'ad Bayoudh Al-Tamimi: "The sectarian Alawite regime that is destroying Syria fought the Crusaders?! This regime fought the Tatars and the Mongols?! This is the regime that surrendered the Golan Heights in 1967. This is the regime that perpetrated the Hama massacre, and is massacring the Syrian people..."
Interviewer: "Brother Najib, thank you..."
Muhammad As'ad Bayoudh Al-Tamimi: "Man, have you lost your mind? You've lost your mind."
Interviewer: "Brother Najib, thank you for your call. You've made your point clear."
Muhammad As'ad Bayoudh Al-Tamimi: "People have lost their mind..."
Interviewer: "I will let you respond... Brother Mahmoud, go ahead."
Mahmoud Al-Bastanjani: "First of all, let me apologize to my viewers for stooping so low as to accept the invitation to this show, the level of which..."
Interviewer: "C'mon, that's enough..." [...]
Mahmoud Al-Bastanjani: "A few years ago, a certain religious cleric died in Amman, or in Jordan [alluding to Al-Tamimi's father, Sheik As'ad Bayoudh Al-Tamimi]. He passed away in a village in occupied Palestine. He died on Saturday..."
Muhammad As'ad Bayoudh Al-Tamimi: "Man, you are such scum... Listening to such scum makes me nauseated... He is the kind of scum that has destroyed this nation. You belong in a garbage bin, man. You are a piece of scum, man."
Interviewer: "I beg you, brother Muhammad..."
Muhammad As'ad Bayoudh Al-Tamimi: "You are such a lowlife scum. You idiot!"
Interviewer: "Brother Muhammad, this is unacceptable..."
Muhammad As'ad Bayoudh Al-Tamimi: "You are a collaborator with the regimes, a collaborator with the sectarianists... He is defending the people who are slaughtering children..."
Mahmoud Al-Bastanjani: "It is beneath me to sit next to someone like you..."
Muhammad As'ad Bayoudh Al-Tamimi: "Man, you are a piece of scum..."
Mahmoud Al-Bastanjani: "When that sheik died, the Israeli enemy opened the border on the Sabbath, and received his followers... I challenge anyone, official or otherwise, to deny what I'm saying here. They opened the bridge on the Sabbath, so that his followers could enter Palestine without permits to pay their condolences."
Muhammad As'ad Bayoudh Al-Tamimi: "Who was that man? You spy, who was that man?"
Interviewer: "Brothers, I beg you..."
Muhammad As'ad Bayoudh Al-Tamimi: "I want this lowlife to say the name of that man."
Interviewer: "By Allah, stop cursing."
Muhammad As'ad Bayoudh Al-Tamimi: "Man, say who it was. My father died in Amman, and millions attended his funeral. My father was not allowed in Jerusalem since 1967. My father was Sheik As'ad Bayoudh, the imam of the mujahideen. Man, you are a lowlife. The largest number of people in Jordanian history acme to pay their respects to my father in Amman. All the honorable people in the Arab world paid their condolences."
Interviewer: "Brother Muhammad, please..."
Muhammad As'ad Bayoudh Al-Tamimi: "He was buried in Sahhab... You are a lowlife..."
Mahmoud Al-Bastanjani: "He was born a lowlife, raised as a lowlife, lived as a lowlife, and will die as a lowlife. His birth was despicable, his upbringing was despicable, his life is despicable, and his death will be despicable."
Interviewer: "Just one minute... By God..."
Muhammad As'ad Bayoudh Al-Tamimi: "This is a spy..."
Interviewer: "Never mind, never mind. Just one moment..."
Muhammad As'ad Bayoudh Al-Tamimi: "Man, you are a lowlife piece of scum... You are a worn-out shoe..."
Mahmoud Al-Bastanjani: "A worn-out shoe?! I'll show you a worn-out shoe!"
The two get up and start fighting, and the TV crew enter to break them up