On its official accounts on Telegram and X (formerly Twitter), the Iranian regime took responsibility for the November 18, 2024 launch of a missile from Lebanon into Israel, where it struck a building in the central city of Ramat Gan.
Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) announced in broken Hebrew on its Telegram channel on November 19 that "beginning tonight, we have entered a new phase" in the conflict with Israel. It went on to state: "This is just the beginning; we will break the mouth of anyone who invades our land… #fateh [missile]."[1]
T.me/SEPAHCYBERY/104427, November 19, 2024
At the same time, the IRGC Qods Force also posted the same message in Hebrew on its website.[2]
It is also notable that on November 18, minutes before the messages boasting of the launch of the rocket were posted, the IRGC posted on Telegram a graphic showing the features of the Iran-made Fateh 110 ballistic missile with a range of 300 km that it said it had launched into Israel: 8.86 meters in length, 0.61 meters in diameter, capable of carrying a 500 kg warhead, powered by solid fuel Stage 1 engine, guidable until the last moment, and in certain cases guidable using optical guidance, with accuracy of 10 meters CEP.[3]
T.me/SEPAHCYBERY/104425, November 18, 2024.