September 11, 2007 Inquiry & Analysis Series No. 385

Islamophobia and Jihad on Video-Sharing Websites(1): Islamophobic Videos on YouTube

September 11, 2007 | By Anna Mahjar-Barducci*
Inquiry & Analysis Series No. 385

Video-sharing websites such as YouTube, Dailymotion, and MySpace contain a large amount of racist and violent material, including both Islamophobic videos that defame Islam and incite against Muslims, and jihadist videos that praise and promote terrorism against the West.

MEMRI will address this phenomenon in a series of reports presenting videos from the major video-sharing websites, focusing on videos promoting jihad and Islamophobia as well as on videos containing antisemitism and other types of racism and bigotry.

This first report in the series deals with Islamophobic videos posted on the U.S. website YouTube, owned by Google, Inc. These videos contain offensive language and invective aimed at Islam and Muslims, stereotypical and hate-filled descriptions of Islam and Muslims which portray them, for example, as collectively "violent," "fanatical," or "backward," and virulently offensive images denigrating the name "Allah", the Koran, the Prophet Muhammad, and concepts sacred to Islam.

It should be mentioned that YouTube's Terms of Use ( prohibit the posting of videos that violate the sites' Community Guidelines ( The latter forbid videos featuring "hate speech which contains slurs or the malicious use of stereotypes intended to attack or demean a particular gender, sexual orientation, race, religion, or nationality." The Terms of Use also state that "YouTube will terminate a User's access to its Website if, under appropriate circumstances, they are determined to be a repeat infringer."

Below is a sample of Islamophobic videos from YouTube, along with the age and place of residence of the user who posted them (where specified). Please note the following contains vulgar language and graphic videos.

Videos Posted under the Heading of "Bash Islam Week"


Title: My Contribution To Bash Islam Week V2

Content: The name "Allah" is transformed into an image of a naked woman; the speaker spits on a page bearing the name Allah and on an image representing the Prophet Muhammad.

Posted by: xxharddrivex

Age: 26

Place of residence: USA


Title: Fuck Islam

Content: The speaker spits into a copy of the Koran; "Muhammad was a philandering fucking gigolo."

Posted by: Fakesagan

Age: 28

Place of residence: USA


Title: IM BACK! / Bash Islam Week (late entry) / Haters

Content: Islam is "backward"; Muslims are "stupid"; "Allah is a nickname for my cock."

Posted by: howtofoldsoup

Age: 33

Place of residence: Not given


Title: Islam is a violent religion. Period.

Content: "I want to say to every single Muslim…: Fuck you."

Posted by: Saturninefilms

Age: Not given

Place of residence: Midwest in the USA



Content: Presents Muslims as bent on destroying the West and it values. Ends with the words "Fuck Islam!"

Posted by: 666norton420

Age: 25

Place of residence: Canada


Title: Re: Defending Freedom = Inappropriate Content?

Content: A rant against the hijab; "fuck Islam and fuck their treatment of women, and if I had a Koran to spit in it right now, I'd spit in it."

Posted by: kamenoko25

Age: 26

Place of residence: Halifax, Canada


Title: My Contribution To "Bash Islam Week"

Content: "Seven reasons why Islam is crazy."

Posted by: g0at

Age: Not given

Place of residence: Austin, Texas, USA

Islamophobic Videos Posted by "CapnOAwesome"


Title: Eliciting a Fatwa 5: Decapitating Muhammad

Content: A figure representing the Prophet Muhammad is decapitated.

Posted by: CapnOAwesome

Age: 24

Place of residence: Not given


Title: A Conservative Atheist: Eliciting a Fatwa 2

Content: Koranic verses written on a roll of toilet paper; the speaker masturbates while looking at a cartoon of the Prophet Muhammad.

Posted by: CapnOAwesome

Age: 24

Place of residence: Not given


Title: Islam; Blow me.

Content: "My videos are made so I, and all the other atheists here on YouTube, can fucking laugh at your [i.e., the Muslims'] barbaric asses."

Posted by: CapnOAwesome

Age: 24

Place of residence: Not given


Title: Muhammad was a terrorist and pedophile.

Content: Offensive impersonation of the Prophet Muhammad, delivered in a fake Arabic accent; "I am just a pedophile... My religion is one of violence and terrorism."

Posted by: CapnOAwesome

Age: 24

Place of residence: Not given


Title: Married to Muhammad: Episode one

Content: The speaker masturbates while looking at a cartoon of the Prophet Muhammad; hits the cartoon with a whip.

Posted by: CapnOAwesome

Age: 24

Place of residence: Not given


Title: A conservative atheist takes on Islam

Content: "Muslims blow themselves up for their religion. Come to think about it… one less Muslim. We should get them all to do it."

Posted by: CapnOAwesome

Age: 24

Place of residence: Not given

Videos Posted under the Heading "Fuck Islam"


Title: Fuck Islam

Content: Video defaming Islam and other religions.

Posted by: sierraman323

Age: 22

Place of residence: USA


Title: Islam Fucked Again!!!!!

Content: The speaker draws a cartoon of the Prophet Muhammad and burns out its eyes with a cigarette.

Posted by: x71isnwor

Age: 26

Place of residence: Nashville, Tennessee, USA


Title: Fuck Islam – literally

Content: "A 'tribute' to the currently most fascistic and evil religion of the world";

image of a dog having intercourse with the Koran.

Posted by: ReligionIsScam

Age: Not given

Place of residence: Not given


Title: Islam should be renamed JIZZlam.

Content: "Islam is a sucky sucky pathetic religion."

Posted by: x71isnwor

Age: 26

Place of residence: Nashville, Tennessee, USA

Videos Posted under the Heading of "Islam is Evil"


Title: Goofing on Evil Islam

Content: Muslims are "animals"; Muslims are "evil"; "Islam should be wiped off the face of the earth."

Posted by: dhoffryn

Age: Not given

Place of residence: Not given


Title: Islam Is Evil

Content: "Fuck slam"; "Islam is an evil religion."

Posted by: IhateIslamInGeneral

Age: 19

Place of residence: Not given


Title: What have I got against Muslims?

Content: "I know there are a few good [Muslims], but they are fucking rare. Most of them are fucking morons."

Posted by: Sgartut200

Age: 22

Place of residence: United Kingdom

Videos Posted under the Heading of "Fun with the Quran"


Title: Fun with the Quran

Content: A copy of the Koran is placed in the toilet and nailed to the wall.

Posted by: Islamicdawah

Age: Not given

Place of residence: United Kingdom

*A. Mahjar Barducci is a research fellow at MEMRI.

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