In his November 29, 2017 column in the Iranian daily Javan, which is affiliated with the country's ideological camp, commentator Abdollah Motevalian wrote about the superiority of Iran's Islamic Revolution over other revolutions in the world, which, he said, faded out after a few years. He set out the principles of the Iranian regime's Islamic revolutionary model, and explained how to make this regime global by exporting the revolution. The aim of the Islamic revolution, he emphasized – much as Iranian regime officials emphasize – is to build a new world order – a Shi'ite Islamic one – on the ruins of the Western world order.
Citing Samuel Huntington's "Clash of Civilizations," i.e. that Islam will be the civilization to challenge the West, Motevalian wrote that the Islamic revolutionary regime of Iran, which has expanded its penetration to Central Asia, the Caucasus, the Gulf of Aden, Bab El-Mandeb, the borders of China, and the Mediterranean coast, is the Islamic force capable of shaping a new world order.
Motevalian (Source:, November 29, 2017)
The following is the translation of Motevalian's column:
"Iran Will, In The Future, Become One Of The Poles Of The World"
"All the experts and political scientists in the world acknowledge that the Islamic Revolution in Iran was an exceptional revolution, unlike any other in previous centuries in the world, and that it has had an influential and extensive impact in several areas simultaneously:
"1. Removing tyranny and fighting internal dictatorship [for example, in Iran, referring to the 1979 removal of the Shah].
"2. Raising the flag of fighting the regime of global arrogance [i.e. the U.S. and its allies].
"3. Creating a resistance axis and commanding the war against the occupying Zionist regime.
"4. Directing public opinion in the world.
"5. [Carrying out] a global mission and plan for creating the global rule of the Mahdi [the Shi'ite messiah].
"But we must know that if this [ideology of] hostility against the arrogance [i.e. the U.S. and the West] does not have the required tools and principles, then, like all other revolutions, it will disintegrate within a short time, or at most in its first decade, gradually, until it is ultimately defeated.
"The following are some of the principles [that must be implemented to ensure] that the Islamic revolution continues to actualize its goals, [in Iran] and in the world:
"Identifying the enemy (i.e. identifying the regime of arrogance); believing in the need for fighting the enemy; a revolutionary discourse; a fighting strategy; persistence in fighting, with no hiatus; jihadi spirit; a plan for the fighting; tirelessness; making it a people's war and leveraging all the human potential in the country (to do so); relying on domestic and national capability (both material and spiritual); and also:
"Relying on the potential outside the country and leveraging it for the fighting that relies on expanding the passive national defense; the belief, among all state politicians, streams, and parties, including members of the government, in fighting the regime of arrogance; integrity among the administrators and government officials, and their firm rejection of any taint of capitalism or accumulation of wealth; identifying the hostile methods of the enemy – much more important than identifying the enemy himself; having no fear of the enemy and of sanctions (i.e. not to panic); taking advantage, in a timely way, of [our] strong points and opportunities on the front; taking advantage, in a timely way, quickly, and to the maximum, of the weak points of the enemy, and turning the enemy's threats into opportunities [for us]; monitoring for signs of enemy espionage and monitoring enemy efforts to infiltrate [the country and society], including by its infiltration elements [i.e. fifth columns]; waging informational and cultural propaganda for all [regime] steps in the various areas; resisting being lured by the enemy and paying attention to his methods of hostility; maintaining constant versatility in adapting to all the demands of the state in all areas, including economy, politics, culture, and so on.
"Iran is now in the 40th year of the revolution, and it is advancing its lofty goals with determination and pride, despite internal difficulties. It is neutralizing all the plots of the regime of arrogance, and has become a superpower in the region, and is independent. The Hebrew-Western-Wahhabi axis is enraged because of the serial defeats [it has suffered at Iran's hands], and is handing over to Iran the main fronts in the region and in the world, one after another. Whether or not the regime of arrogance wants it to, there is no doubt that Iran will, in the future, become one of the poles of the world.
"We Need To Build The New World Order"
"In the past 40 years, Iran has successfully expanded its penetration – from the north, to Central Asia and the Caucasus; from the south, to the Gulf of Aden and Bab El-Mandeb; from the east, to China's border; and from the West, to the Mediterranean coast.
"The signs of fear of Iran's might and influence can be clearly seen, in the [three-sided] collective puppet show of the Saudi regime that controls the Hijaz, of the West, and of the Zionist regime – against [the resistance axis comprising] Lebanon, Iran, and so on.
"Samuel Huntington's strategic points of view and his predictions [i.e. Clash of Civilizations] are not forgotten. He said: 'After the USSR, there are eight civilizations. Of them, only the Islamic and Chinese cultures will clash [with the West] in the future, and this will be violent and bloody.'
"Now, 30 years after Huntington said this, the world is seeing the deterioration of the West's might, and the shaping of the great civilization of Islam:
"1. America is $17 trillion in debt, and in effect is economically bankrupt.
"2. The world is witnessing the shaping of a multipolar regime with an Asiatic approach, in which Iran is a major axis.
"3. Iran has become the No. 1 power in the region, and it is very influential.
"4. The peoples of the world hate the behavior of the West in general, and particularly of America; this hatred is increasing by the day.
"5. The internal problems in America and in Europe are increasing, and this facilitates conditions for the emergence of new powers.
"6. The Western media empire is collapsing; the administration of the media is changing rapidly, and is no longer exclusively in the hands of the West.
"7. Iran is situated in the best spot in the [Asian] continent, and is unquestionably superior in the world with regard to oil and energy.
"8. Iran has the material and spiritual might and capability to export its revolution to the world.
"9. The Saudi regime that controls the Hijaz has suffered defeat in all its schemes to expand, and all its threats and efforts against Iran have become opportunities for Iran.
"10. The West, particularly America, cannot meet the needs of their people, because of the weakness of the liberal-capitalist [ideology], and have become helpless in the face of the Wall Street movement [sic].
"Therefore, our strong points must be matched with the weak points of the enemies, and our diplomacy must be adjusted in accordance with the long-term goals of the revolution.
"We must prepare ourselves to build a new world order. We need to build the new world order, and not to wait for others to shape the future according to their doctrine and their goals...
"Day by day, we must strengthen our military and media, implement the revolutionary discourse of the Imam [Ayatollah Ruhollah] Khomeini, and prepare ourselves, using the jihadi and revolutionary model, to play [our] role in the future of the world."