December 19, 2018 Special Announcements No. 698

This Holiday Season, MEMRI Owes Its Success To You

December 19, 2018
Special Announcements No. 698

Dear Friend:

As 2018 draws to a close, MEMRI would like to take a moment to say thank you for making our work possible.

2018 saw progress on several fronts on which MEMRI has long been focusing:

  • The U.S. pulled out of the JCPOA nuclear deal with Iran. Over the years, MEMRI analysis reports have shown Iran's continued violations of the deal.

  • MEMRI's ongoing exposure of hate-filled sermons by imams at mosques and Islamic centers across the U.S. – including in California, New York, New Jersey, North Carolina, Florida, Texas, Illinois, Virginia, Massachusetts, Tennessee and Washington, DC – as well as in Canada and Europe has brought public condemnation of the imams – and in some cases authorities have taken legal action against them.

  • Before the U.S. cut back on and set conditions for future funding to the Palestinian Authority until it halts all payments to terrorists and their families, MEMRI reported in detail on these payments and on Palestinian Authority leaders' repeated statements that nothing would stop them; in 2017, MEMRI President Yigal Carmon testified before Congress on the issue.

  • Women in Saudi Arabia were finally granted the right to drive, by royal decree. For over a decade, MEMRI has reported on efforts by Saudi women – and women across the Middle East – to gain new freedoms and equal rights and has highlighted the fight to protect them from honor killings, FGM, and more.

In addition, MEMRI continues to assist efforts to defeat terrorism by monitoring and translating terrorist content online and in print and broadcast media and by sharing this research with governments, militaries, intelligence agencies, and law enforcement in the U.S. and across the West. Although we cannot always make public our role in these efforts, MEMRI research has helped thwart terror attacks as well as convict terrorists.

MEMRI is able to maintain the intensity of its research efforts only because of the generosity of its donors. Thank you again for helping to make achieving all these goals possible, in this past year and going forward into 2019.

Happy Holidays,

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