Following are excerpts from a public address delivered by Hamas leader Mahmoud Al-Zahhar, which aired on Al-Quds TV on October 28, 2011.
Mahmoud Al-Zahhar: "America is leaving Iraq and Afghanistan, and Allah willing, it will leave Palestine, along with its allies. It will leave in humiliation and disgrace. Our people and our enterprise, on the other hand, will move forward.
Today, we emphasize that our plan is not confined to the liberation of Palestine. The Islamic nation in its entirety will bring a smile to the faces of all the people in the world, and will wipe the tears from the eyes of all human beings.
Our plan is the cure for all the maladies of this Western civilization, which knows only to contain or kill, to control or destroy, to clash with people or to contain them.
"This civilization will not be able to withstand the great and glorious Islam, with its great humane platform. […]
"The Arab nation has begun to reap the fruits of the hot Arab spring. Yesterday, the Islamists won in Tunisia, tomorrow, they will win in Egypt, and then in Libya, until Islam, which rules in accordance with the Koran, will prevail throughout the land." […]