March 28, 2011 Special Dispatch No. 3709

Fath Al-Islam Calls for Jihad in Syria

March 28, 2011
Syria | Special Dispatch No. 3709

In a statement disseminated on jihadist websites, Fath Al-Islam called upon Sunnis in Syria and Lebanon to wage jihad against the Syrian regime.

In the statement, signed by a jihadist calling himself Abu Huraira Al-Badawi or Khattab Al-Maqdisi, the group urges the Sunnis to come to the aid of their brothers in Dar'a, a southern Syrian town which was the hub of last week's protests and where the Syrian authorities have violently quashed protests.

The author of the statement presents the matter as one of defending Syrian Sunnis against the ruling 'Allawis and their Shi'ite allies Iran and Hizbullah, which he claims sent reinforcements to Assad's regime. ...

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