October 20, 2010 Special Dispatch No. 3310

Farrakhan on Al-Jazeera English TV: No Proof That Bin Laden Carried Out 9/11; Former Egyptian Foreign Minister and Former Iraqi Ambassador to U.N.: The U.S. Was Behind 9/11

October 20, 2010
Special Dispatch No. 3310

Following are excerpts from an interview with Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, in which Farrakhan accused the FBI, under President Obama, of planting agents in mosques in the U.S. to "stimulat[e] those who are hateful of Israel, hateful of Jewish people, inspiring them to acts of terror, and then capturing them and putting that on television, as though this is the norm in mosques throughout this country." He then went on to discuss discrimination in Israel, and to assert that there is no proof that Osama bin Laden was behind the 9/11 attacks.

In other interviews, former Egyptian deputy foreign minister Abdallah Al-Ash'al and former Iraqi Ambassador to the U.N. Muhammad Al-Douri both expressed views that the U.S. was behind 9/11; Al-Ashal said that the Israeli Mossad was also involved.

· The Farrakhan interview aired on Al-Jazeera English on September 13, 2010; to view this clip, visit

· The Al-Ash'al interview aired on Al-Rafidein TV on October 4, 2010; to view this clip, visit

· The Al-Douri interview aired on Decision Makers TV on September 22, 2010: to view this clip, visit

Nation of Islam Leader Louis Farrakhan: "What Proof Have We Heard from These Wicked Deceivers That It Was Osama Bin Laden" Who Carried Out 9/11?

Louis Farrakhan: "Under President Barack Obama, there is the FBI that has been planting agents in mosques around the country, stimulating those who are hateful of Israel, hateful of Jewish people, inspiring them to acts of terror, and then capturing them and putting that on television, as though this is the norm in mosques throughout this country.


"There have been Jews and Muslims and Christians living together in the Middle East for hundreds of years, and they have not killed each other. This is a recent phenomenon by Europeans who accepted Judaism, and then used their view of this Holy Land as theirs. And since in 1948, the United Nations – mainly European countries, with only Ethiopia representing the black Africa – giving Israel a home in Palestine… So now you have Europeans coming into Palestine… They are not Semitic. They are Europeans.

"In Israel, they are persecuting the Semitic Jews, who have been there for thousands of years. They are persecuting the Falasha – the Ethiopian Jews. In fact, just about a month ago, I read that some European Jews did not want darker-skinned Jews to go to school with them. This is not Judaism. This is racism masquerading under the name of Judaism.


"I put this before the world: Mullah Omar, the Taliban leader of Afghanistan, said to President George W. Bush while Osama bin Laden was living in Afghanistan: 'Show me the proof that this man is guilty of this heinous act, and I will turn him over to you.' What proof have we heard from these wicked deceivers that, in fact, it was Osama bin Laden? As Muslims, we should force them to show us the proof."

Interviewer: "I am sorry to have to stop you, there is much more I'd like to discuss but we are out of time. Minister Farrakhan, thank you very much for being on the show."

Louis Farrakhan: "We are out of time?"

Interviewer: "Yes, sir, I am sorry."

Louis Farrakhan: "The world is too."

Former Egyptian Deputy Foreign Minister Abdallah Al-Ash'al: 9/11 "Was the Work of U.S. Intelligence and the Israeli Mossad"

Abdallah Al-Ash'al: "President Bush is no different from Hulagu [Khan], from Napoleon, or from all the other colonialists. When he came to power, he declared: We will fight the Iraqis and they will greet us with roses. All this is over now. The entire world has awakened... The invasion of Iraq took place, according to U.S. information, after 9/11...

"9/11 was done by the U.S. I'm 100% sure of that. I completely agree with [Iranian President Mahmoud] Ahmadinejad on this. It is not possible for a foreigner to strike such a blow at America on its own turf, with such accuracy, and so on. This was the work of U.S. intelligence and the Israeli Mossad. If God makes Sharon speak, he would confirm it. [...]"

Former Iraqi Ambassador to the U.N. Muhammad Al-Douri Says the U.S. Itself May Have Been Behind 9/11

Muhammad Al-Douri: "Through [9/11], the U.S. has managed to unite almost all the world behind it. In light of this, we can offer at least one reason for the events of 9/11 – it is possible that the U.S. itself was behind it. It wanted to achieve strategic, political, and international goals through it. If we want to determine who was behind 9/11, I think it will take a long time for this to come to light.


"I could give you a thousand reasons for the events of 9/11, and it is possible that none of them would be the real reason. I can, however, mention one reason, which may not have been the direct cause. The tyranny of the U.S., and its goals in ruling the world and taking over the entire world – from north to south and from east to west – were, in my opinion, the indirect cause of the events of 9/11, if not the direct cause. We know that what was achieved was U.S. hegemony, if only for a short while.


"I believe that the world was lucky that this was only a short period, during the term of President Bush, and that it came to an end the way it did. Instead of the U.S. leading the world, it emerged shaken and defeated, in an economic, ideological, and political crisis. I do not know whether or not the world should feel nostalgia for the people who carried out 9/11. The Iraqis, the Afghans, and the Palestinians, in particular, do not feel nostalgia for the people or the group that was behind 9/11.


"The difficult moments that we are undergoing today are the results of the wars and the catastrophes that took place as a result of the foolishness of the U.S. politicians and strategists, and those known as the far right. Some people accuse the far right of being behind 9/11. There are German and French writers, as well as American writers and strategists, who have doubted the ability of Al-Qaeda to carry out such a momentous, earth-shattering event. Many people claim that the U.S. intelligence [services] – or at least part of the Pentagon – was behind 9/11. But only God knows. [...]"

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