August 20, 2024 Special Dispatch No. 11514

Arab-American YouTuber Jad Manon Reports On Arabs Illegally Crossing U.S. Border From Mexico, Showing Entry Points, Tunnel, Tijuana Mosque Used As Hub: Arabs Fly To Nicaragua Or Ecuador, Travel To Tijuana, Then Tear Up Their Passports, Swim, Dig Tunnels, Or Climb The Wall –And Request Asylum

August 20, 2024
Special Dispatch No. 11514

Arab-American YouTuber Jad Manon reported on Arab immigration into the U.S. from Mexico in an August 1, 2024 video. He showcased the process Arabs must go through in order to cross into the United States, both legally and illegally. He explained that Arabs who are caught crossing into the U.S. illegally can ask for asylum status, while Mexicans are sent back to prison in Mexico.

Since October 2023, border agents caught 93 suspected terrorists attempting to cross the southern border. Most recently, Omar Shehada, a Palestinian from the West Bank whose name appears on a terror watchlist was caught at the border in Santa Teresa, New Mexico. A Lebanese Hizbullah member who planned to " make a bomb" was caught in March near El Paso, Texas.

To view the clip of Arab-American YouTuber Jad Manon, click here or below:

Tijuana Mosque Offers Shelter To Arabs Before They Attempt To Cross The Border; Showing Locations Where People Swim Around, Dig Tunnels, Breach Or Climb The Border Wall

Jad Manon: "We have come to another mosque, to which the Arabs [in Tijuana] go, in order to find shelter before they cross over to America. Where are you from?"

Man: "I'm from Algeria. The first thing you see when you enter the mosque are these tables and sofas. You have a table with food and beverages, and here is where the people pray and read the Quran. Above it is the women's prayer area."

Manon: "I am here with the sheikh of this mosque."

Sheikh: "Arabs are not allowed to enter Mexico. It is difficult to get a visa to Mexico. If they get here from Ecuador, they have to pass through eight countries. The trip takes them a whole month, at the very least. They have to cross rivers, lakes, and jungles. Many of them see death and some actually die."

Manon: "Let me show you how people cross into America. This is one of the entry points, where people cross into America."

Man: "They swim to over there, go around it, and reach U.S. territory, where they are picked up by the American immigration police on the other side."

Manon: "There are also people who cross through tunnels they dig underground, or they can saw [the beam] and go under it, like that Mexican guy showed us, or they climb the wall and go to the other side, to America, and especially to San Diego.


Jordanians Appy For A British Visa, Then Fly From The UK To Nicaragua, And Travel Via Honduras To Tijuana, Mexico

"How long have you been in Tijuana?"

Man 1: "About a year."

Manon: "And you?"

Man 2: "About four and a half years."

Man 1: "Many of the guys coming here – the Jordanians are a good example... Most of their stories are similar. First thing, the Jordanians coming here apply for a British visa, which is free. This visa allows them to enter the airport [in England]. Some friends told me that they stay in Britain for three days, and then they fly from Britain to Nicaragua."

Manon: "Without a visa?"

Man 1: "Jordanians can enter Nicaragua without a visa. When they reach Nicaragua, they make a deal with some people, who take them from Nicaragua to Honduras, and then to anywhere in Mexico."

Manon: "Their goal is to reach Tijuana?"

Man 1: "Yes, their goal is to reach here. The entire problem is here. Everybody wants to come here. Making it to Tijuana is like 70% of the way to America. It costs $6,000 minimum. Nothing is perfect."

Man 2: "Once they arrive at Tijuana, they are looking for a way to get into the US. But it is not that easy, especially because you need to deal with smugglers, and the Mexican government tries to prevent immigrants from reaching Tijuana."


"The People Who Enter America Illegally Tear Their Passports, Enter From Here [The Beach], Cross Underground, Or Jump Over The Wall... They Ask For Asylum In America... There Is No Place To Send Them Back To"

Manon: "There are two ways to enter America. One is entering legally, and the other illegally. As for the legal way – we saw the guys at the mosque. They get to Mexico, and then to Tijuana, and they go to the mosque, where they fill a CBP request form. Then they wait their turn at the American border, and then they enter America legally, and they are fine. Then they request asylum.

"The people who enter America illegally tear their passports, and enter from here, or they cross underground, or they jump over the wall.


"The people who cross illegally are forced to have an interview with an asylum officer on the American side.


"Can people who are caught [trying to cross] ask for asylum in America, or do they send them back here?"

Man 1: "It depends on their nationality. They take people from all nationalities, except for the Mexicans. They punish them. They send them back to Mexico, where they go to prison. This is why it is difficult for the Mexicans."

Manon: "But for other nationalities it is not a problem?"

Man 1: "Yes. It is not a problem."

Manon: "Do you know why? Because there is no place they can send them back to. Let's assume that they caught Arab nationals, for example. What are they going to do? Put them in prison here in Mexico? However, they can send the Mexican nationals to prison here. That's crazy, man!"

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