March 12, 2013 Special Dispatch No. 5237

AQAP Mufti Al-Rubaish: 'It Is My Duty To Spur The Muslims To Kill The Americans, To Get Them Out Of The Muslims' Land'

March 12, 2013
Special Dispatch No. 5237

The jihadi forum Al-Fida' recently published a video clip released by Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) containing an exclusive interview with the organization's mufti, Sheikh Ibrahim Al-Rubaish, a former Guantanamo Bay prisoner. Among other things, Al-Rubaish praised efforts to attack U.S. embassies in Arab countries, calling them "dens of the American intelligence" that were behind mass killings of Muslims. He claimed that U.S. air strikes in Yemen, which represented a war against Islam, in fact helped the mujahideen by "implant[ing] the ideology of jihad in the hearts of the Muslims." Al-Rubaish warned against the Shi'ite threat, and expressed his hope that the revolution in Syria would unite the Sunnis in a war against Iran that would put an end to its aspirations in the region....

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