In Pashtu-Language Article, Islamic State Khurasan Province (ISKP): 'Qatar Is The Largest Supplier For The Military Occupation Of The Unbelievers In The Islamic World, From Which Everyday Dozens Of Crusader Jets Are Rising And Bombing Muslims'

May 14, 2024

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In a recent Pashtu-language article, the Islamic State Khurasan Province (ISKP) argued that Qatar is at the center of the global war against Islam, arguing that "the largest military base of the Crusader alliance and the international coalition against terrorism (Islam) is Al-Udeid [military base], which is in Qatar."

"In other words, Qatar is the largest supplier for the military occupation of the unbelievers in the Islamic world, from which everyday dozens of Crusader jets are rising and bombing Muslims and their homes and cities across the Muslim world," the article adds.

The article is titled as "Spider's Web: The Taliban Are Also The Hired Guardians Of The International Infidel System!" It appears in Issue 30 of Khurasan Ghag, a Pashtu-language magazine published by Al-Azaim Media Foundation, a media outlet linked the ISKP.

The article also says that through the mediation of Qatar, the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan (IEA, i.e., the Afghan Taliban) has acquired the role of a militia fighting for the defense of the international system of unbelief so as to provide security to the U.S. and the wider West.

The Pashtu-language article also notes that when the IEA was in power from 1996 to 2001, it had not accepted the first principles of the United Nations and had even refused to hand Al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden over to the United States after 9/11. Since August 2021, the article argues, the IEA has been seeking recognition from the United Nations.

"America decided that now is the time to use some local militias [like the Afghan Taliban] to prevent the Islamic State and to protect the international system by using militias that charge less rent and get the job done," it says, going on to predict that the Afghan Taliban will join forces to protect international maritime routes in the service of the international system of unbelief.

Following are excerpts from the article:

"These Leaders Had Not Accepted Certain Principles Of The Atheist Nations [i.e., the UN] During Their Initial Term, And Even Though They Desired Positive Interaction With The Unbelievers Of The World In Their Initial Term"

"The objectives of the American invasion of Afghanistan were clear to everyone, because at that time the Crusaders were openly saying: the international order of unbelief is under threat and we will not rest until this threat is eliminated. So, they invaded Afghanistan to eliminate this threat. Gradually, the Taliban came to realize that there was no alternative but to compromise with the unbeliever international system...

"These leaders had not accepted certain principles of the atheist nations [i.e., the UN] during their initial term, and even though they desired positive interaction with the unbelievers of the world in their initial term, and they still wanted recognition from them. But, despite that, as they now have accepted all unbelief, they had not accepted it during their first term and they did not hand over to the world some of the people, including Osama bin Laden, may Allah have mercy on him, who were a threat to the international system.

"So, in 2007, some Taliban officials, who were members of some of the corrupt organizations like Pugwash and Rand, started secret negotiations with Americans, and these negotiations became public when some of the leaders of the Emirate [i.e., Afghan Taliban] who were in favor of war with the international system and did not want to compromise with the international system of unbelief, were removed from the scene.

"After the death of [Afghan Taliban leader] Mullah Omar in 2013, the negotiations took on an official form and the opening of an office in Qatar began, but when the Islamic State [ISIS] declared its Caliphate, the movements for the unity of Muslims in the world started. From the Philippines to Mozambique and from Khurasan [Afghanistan] to Somalia, the momineen [believers] of the world gathered in obedience to one imam [the leader of ISIS Abu Bakar al-Baghdadi].

"So, America decided that now is the time to use local militias to prevent the Islamic State and to protect the international system by using militias that charge less rent and get the job done. So, it opened an office in Qatar for the apostate Taliban. The members of the Taliban who had already been trained by CIA through the Pugwash and Rand Crusade and Jewish institutions to carry out this mission were invited one by one, such as Sher Mohammad Abbas Stanikzai, Mohammad Naeem Wardak [head of the Afghan embassy in Qatar]... and others started a massive propaganda campaign, which was fully funded by CIA and America..."

"The Largest Center Of The Intellectual War Against Terrorism (Islam), RAND Institute, Is Also Financed By Qatar; It Means That Qatar Is The Biggest Sponsor Of The Intellectual Invasion Of The Islamic World By Unbelievers"

"Qatar was the best place to carry out this mission... Suffice it to say about Qatar:

"1. The largest military base of the Crusader alliance and the international coalition against terrorism (Islam) is Al-Udeid [military base] which is in Qatar. In other words, Qatar is the largest supplier for the military occupation of the unbelievers in the Islamic world, from which everyday dozens of Crusader jets take off and bomb Muslims and their homes and cities across the Muslim world.

"2. The largest center of the intellectual war against terrorism (Islam), RAND institute, is also financed by Qatar. It means that Qatar is the biggest sponsor of the intellectual invasion of the Islamic world by unbelievers.

"3. The main center of the declarative media Al-Jazeera [involved in] the war against terrorism (Islam) is also in the country of Qatar and fulfills all the media goals of the Crusader alliance with great skill and agility through the direct mediation of Qatar. In short, the role of the media war in the minds of the Islamic world is not hidden from anyone, and all the invasions of the unbelievers on the Islamic world are interpreted by the same media as 'reconstruction' and other misleading names, which all the invaders of the unbelievers are using the media center (Al-Jazeera) for their own interests in conquering the Islamic world...

"4. Qatar is the only country that has a long history of creating many armed groups in the name of jihad; they created most of the armed groups in Iraq and Syria, and now they are fighting against the mujahideen in the region in the public uprisings for the benefit of the Americans. They [Qatar] also control Hamas militants, who eventually destroyed [Hamas's] religion and this world.

"Qatar also carried out the task of controlling the Taliban [of Afghanistan] and Qatar successfully completed this mission [through the Doha agreement].>And today, the same Taliban, who were once considered by the international community to be a threat to the international system, are fighting tirelessly for protection shoulder to shoulder with the Crusaders, Jews, and Rawafidh [rejectionist, a pejorative term for Shi'ite].

"The negotiations officially started... the Americans had one request: that the international order should not be threatened; and the militias [i.e., the Afghan Taliban] said, 'yes sir!'... The Americans signed an agreement with them in Doha and told them openly that: You should continue the war with the Islamic State until you destroy it..."

In The First Week Of March 2024, "Two High-Ranking Officials Of The Military Sector Of The Apostate Taliban Militias, Minister Of Defense Mullah Mohammad Yaqoob Mujahid And Chief Of Staff Of The Army, Fasihuddin Fitrat, Went To Doha To Present Their Work Report To The Rest Of The World And Also Participate In The DIMDEX [Doha International Maritime Defence Exhibition And Conference]"

"Recently, two high-ranking officials of the military sector of the apostate Taliban militias, Minister of Defense Mullah Mohammad Yaqoob Mujahid and Chief of Staff of the Army, Fasihuddin Fitrat, went to Doha to present their work report to the rest of the world and also participate in the DIMDEX [Doha International Maritime Defence Exhibition and Conference]..., aimed at safeguarding international maritime security and addressing existing threats...

"[The Afghan Taliban] benefitted in two ways: one of them was to see the exhibition, some charity [donations] was collected, and some of the charity was made with secret promises; and the other [profit] was they visited the Crusaders who came there on the same pretext and presented their work report to the Crusaders, because along with many Crusader officials, the head of the CIA William Burns and some officials of Israel (the Jewish state) also went to Qatar at the same time.

"Therefore, at such a sensitive time, on the one hand, the fourth anniversary of the Doha Agreement [February 29, 2024] had just been completed, and on the other hand, the [Taliban] militias had not presented a report of the war against the Islamic State to their Crusader masters for a long time. So, Qatar's DIMDEX international naval defense exhibition was a good opportunity and excuse for them to participate in the exhibition on the one hand and to report their four-year mission to the CIA and the Jews on the other hand.

Mullah Yaqoob Mujahid and Qari Fasihuddin Fitrat inspect military vehicles at DIMDEX

"The DIMDEX defense exhibition, which is held once every two years, aims to protect the international order of peace, officials of these militias were also invited to this conference in view of the position and sincerity of the Taliban militias in the protection of international peace.... Regarding the goals of the international maritime defense exhibition, its Chairman, General Abdulbaqi Saleh Al-Ansari, says: 'Conferences like DIMDEX are very important for regional peace and international security because

"The Doha International Maritime Defense Exhibition and Conference (DIMDEX) is a biennial event held in Doha, Qatar. DIMDEX is a major event for the global maritime defense and security industry and is one of the leading events in the global defense and security industry calendar. The exhibition showcases the latest innovations in the maritime defense and security industry, including military technological developments. In this exhibition, nine international halls representing many companies, authorities and institutions from Turkey, America, Italy, France, Germany, England, Iran, China, and Qatar were displayed.

"Its main objective is to create companies and alliances that focus on creating security and stability in the seas and oceans, in order to positively affect the economic, security, and social well-being of the countries and communities of unbelief and international tyranny; most of which benefits the United States and its allies. The most important conference of DIMDEX is the Middle East Naval Commanders Conference (MENC), and this year will bring together a diverse group of official delegations, decision-makers, expert government officials and executives from around the world to discuss the latest developments in maritime security and safe passage through ports, and also share knowledge and skills to address potential threats and identify new trends..."

"We Are Talking About Only One Sea Route [Suez Canal], But If All The Sea Routes That Exist In The Occupied Islamic World (Malaysia, Iran, Yemen, Egypt, Turkey And Andalusia) Are Closed And Their Security Is Threatened, The Unbelievers Will Be Slaves In The Hands Of The Muslims"

"So dear readers! The issue is not only maritime security, but it is also that all the interests of the rulers of the system of international ignorance in ports, coasts, oceans, and seas are hidden. From Malaysia to Iran's Hormuz, Yemen's Bab Al-Mandab, Egypt's Suez Canal, the Red Sea, and the Strait of Gibraltar, who benefits from the security of all these sea routes? It is clear that it reaches China, India, America, Iran, Russia, Israel, and Europe. If the security of these routes is lost, the economy of all these countries will collapse tonight [i.e., soon], their food supplies will end, and their rule over the world will end. You saw that almost two years ago, the Suez Canal was blocked by a large cargo ship that had run aground in the canal, causing millions of dollars in damage to the European and American markets every minute.

"We are talking about only one sea route [Suez Canal], but if all the sea routes that exist in the occupied Islamic world (Malaysia, Iran, Yemen, Egypt, Turkey and Andalusia) are closed and their security is threatened, the infidels will be slaves in the hands of the Muslims. And they will beg: we will accept whatever you [Muslims] say, but open the routes, otherwise Europe will be drowned by famine and starvation.

"But the unbeliever alliances and international powers have invaded the Islamic world (the oil and petroleum of the Arab world, the mines and minerals of South Asia, the gas of Central Asia, the immense wealth of Afghanistan). On one side they have kidnapped all the wealth and reserves of the Islamic world to Europe and the Western world through these sea routes, but on the other hand, they have entrusted the responsibility of protection of these routes to the apostate Taliban, Pakistani soldiers, and other dishonorable [people] in the name of Islam.

Mullah Yaqoob Mujahid and Qari Fasihuddin Fitrat at DIMDEX

"In addition to protecting the borders of the unbelievers and tyrants, the Taliban militia is now being put to the test in this area. And you will see that in the future, the Taliban militia will take up the mission of protecting these sea ports by Qatar under a different name. The unbelievers  want to maintain their survival with these mercenary militias [like the Taliban]. As long as this sea route is safe and international maritime security is protected, the economy of the international unbeliever system will not fall. As long as the economy of the international coalition, the Jews and the Crusaders, is standing on its feet, defeating them and destroying the global unbeliever system is a difficult task that will take a long time.

"But the international community, the United Nations, the Jews, the Crusaders, the Rawafidh and all other organizations of infidelity should know: how long they will maintain their security and the international system of ignorance, which is weaker than a spider's web, with the help of apostate militias like the Taliban and the tyrannical rulers and armies that rule the Islamic world?

"Soon, the soldiers of the Islamic State will punish your puppets for their evil deeds in every city, every region, every sea, and every route from the Philippines to Andalusia, and they will follow you in Europe, America, Russia, China, India, and Iran, and they will kill you in your homes. Bi'dhnillah [with Allah's permission]. Then such maritime security exhibitions and recruitment of dozens and hundreds of militias like the Taliban militias will not benefit you, Inshallah [Allah willing]."

Source: Telegram, March 23, 2024.

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