Michigan-Based Pro-Islamic State (ISIS) Preacher Ahmad Musa Jibril Calls For Immediate Implementation Of Islamic Law In Syria: 'Allah Didn't Say To Fight Them Until You Reach Damascus, Then Drop Your Weapons And Put On Your Suit And Ties'

January 14, 2025

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Michigan-based pro-Islamic State (ISIS) preacher Ahmad Musa Jibril denounced the idea of gradualism in the implementation of Islamic law in society, instead advocating for its immediate implementation.

Jibril: "Allah Didn't Say To Fight Them Until You Reach Damascus, Then Drop Your Weapons And Put On Your Suit And Ties"

On January 14, 2025, Michigan-based pro-ISIS preacher Ahmad Musa Jibril uploaded a 20-minute video to his official website, in which he called for the immediate implementation of Islamic law in Syria and elsewhere. The video was titled "Can the Sharia be Implemented Gradually?" It was also published on Jibril's account on Rumble.[1]

In the video, Jibril denounced what he called "gradualism" – that is, the slow integration of Islamic law into society over time. This method of implementation, he said, is misguided, erroneous, and un-Islamic.

Instead, Jibril advocated for the immediate implementation of Islamic Law. He argued that it is necessary for Muslims to uphold and defend the law of Allah in all times, places, and circumstances.   

"Isn't implementing the Shar'ia part of tawheed [Oneness]," Jibril rhetorically asked in the video, adding, "Do we need to go back to teaching the types of tawheed, and [teaching] that part of tawheed Al-'Ibada [Oneness in worship] is acting [on] and implementing the Sharia, and that a person is obliged to follow the rulings of Allah?"

As such, Jibril argued against those who advocate for the new government in Syria to refrain from immediately instituting Islamic law in the country. He dismissed the idea that gradualism is necessary because Syrian Muslims are not ready or powerful enough to implement Islamic Law in the country: "Listen to this," he said, "They advance from Hama, to Aleppo, all the way down to Damascus, and they enter the Masjid Al-Ummawi, crushing one of the most oppressive tyrants of our time, backed by Russia and its bases, with Iran and Hizbullah and the Shi'a militias, and the army of the Yahud [ Jews] is just a stone's throw away, with their tanks and planes crying for war along with the United States – all these enemies, despite them all being in full force, they achieved a stunning, lightning-speed victory, but when it comes to the Shari'a of Allah, they don't have the power to do that."

Jibril added: "Allah didn't say fight them until you reach Damascus and the Masjid Al-Ummawi, then drop your weapons and put your suits and ties on."

"El-Sisi's Violence Does Not Require Gradualism"

Commenting on another contemporary example, Jibril also discussed the case of Egypt under President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi. He asked: "When El-Sisi took power, did he implement gradualism in carrying out his tyranny? Or was it through force and violence? For ten years, the entire world has been watching El-Sisi's mass arrests, mass trials, military trials of civilians, death sentences in groups and more! These acts require no gradualism. But, when it’s the Sharia of Allah, it must be implemented through gradualism, despite it being a mercy to the world."

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[1] January 14, 2024.

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