Jihadis Celebrate Queen Elizabeth II's Passing, Claim She Was 'Spiteful' Towards Islam

September 9, 2022

The following report is now a complimentary offering from MEMRI's Jihad and Terrorism Threat Monitor (JTTM). For JTTM subscription information, click here.

Salafi-jihadis online published varying reactions the death of Queen Elizabeth II, with many celebrating the Monarch's passing. The following JTTM report compiles these responses.

Queen Elizabeth Was "Spiteful Toward Muslims"

On September 9, 2022, a U.S.-based pro-Islamic State (ISIS) preacher posted on Telegram, rejoicing over the Queen's death, whom he associated with Indian-born British-American author Salman Rushdie.

"It's sufficient to know of Elizabeth's spite toward Islam and Muslims when she honored the dishonorable Salman Rushdie," he wrote, citing Hadiths which he used to justify expressing relief over the death of kuffar, or unbelievers.[1]

Queen Elizabeth Will Face "Heavy Doom"

Meanwhile, also on September 9, an Australian pro-ISIS preacher shared a poster on Telegram depicting Queen Elizabeth II, and citing a Quranic verse[2] reading: "We give them comfort for a little, and then we drive them to a heavy doom."[3]

In a separate post, he used the Queen's death as a pretext to denounce white non-Muslims in general:

"Everything white is bad for you, white bread, white rice and white sugar," He wrote, continuing, "That's why everything that came from white people is bad, true to the saying you are what you eat. #monarchy #democracy #colonialism #liberalism #secularism #whiteprivlages [sic]."[4]

The preacher clarified in a follow-up post that he was referencing shite unbelievers, as opposed to white Muslims. "Please take note 'White people' here is in reference to white Caucasian kuffar [infidels], as for our brethren in faith we love them as we love the other believers," he cautioned.[5]

Queen Elizabeth Was "Silent About Injustice Against Muslims"

A Syria-based U.S.-Born jihadi reporter released a "personal statement" on September 9 about the Queen's passing.[6]

"I am indifferent regarding the matter," he wrote in the statement, "Queen Elizabeth was not known to support our struggle throughout the years as the US created massacre after massacre in Iraq, Afghanistan, and other places. Quite the contrary! The Queen’s army of Great Britain participated in those conflicts alongside the Americans."

In a tacit criticism of the Queen, he commented on her well-known reserved demeanor: "The Queen was also not known for her support on countless other crises that faced the Muslim Ummah during her 70-year reign. Some have praised her for being 'mostly silent, dignified, and above politics.' I must admit I don't know what is praiseworthy about seeing injustices and being silent on it (at best), however the participation of British forces during her reign in unjustified wars demanded her to publicly separate herself from their actions if she didn’t support their actions. The reality is that she did not."

[1] Telegram, September 9, 2022.

[2] Quran 31:24

[3] Telegram, September 9, 2022.

[4] Telegram, September 9, 2022.

[5] Telegram, September 9, 2022.

[6] Telegram, September 9, 2022.

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