Infographic In Islamic State (ISIS) Weekly Encourages Acts Of Violence, Arson Attacks, Destruction Against 'Infidels'

January 17, 2025

The following report is now a complimentary offering from MEMRI's Jihad and Terrorism Threat Monitor (JTTM). For JTTM subscription information, click here. 

Issue 478 of the Islamic State (ISIS) weekly Al-Naba', published on January 16, 2025, contained a stark infographic advocating acts of violence, arson, and destruction, particularly targeting groups identified as "infidels." It uses ideology to justify arson to create economic and social chaos.[1]

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Religious Justification

Titled, "Burning the Wealth of the Infidels," the infographic begins with a Quranic verse: "Whatever you have cut down of [their] palm trees or left standing on their trunks - it was by permission of Allah and so He would disgrace the defiantly disobedient. [Surah Al-Hashr, Ayah 5]."

In this context, the Quranic verse is used to justify violence against those labeled "infidels," emphasizing punishment and destruction.

Methods Of Arson

The publication outlines practical methods for carrying out arson, including using easily accessible materials such as flammable liquids. It suggests "setting several fires in close locations to burn forests and utilizing easily accessible Molotv cocktails."

It further highlights the simplicity and effectiveness of these methods, aiming to appeal to individuals who may lack technical expertise, but who are willing to engage in destructive acts: "Use various materials which ignite quickly in forests, where fires spread uncontrollably."

Potential Targets

The targets listed in the graph include residential buildings, luxury homes, vehicles, and commercial centers. According to the release, these are chosen for their symbolic and economic significance, aiming to instill fear and disrupt daily life.

It directs: "Burn skyscrapers, empty homes. Burn forests near homes, especially in times of drought. Burn commercial centers, warehouses, gas stations, and market areas during crowded times. Burn vehicles, houses, and shops, especially those belonging to infidels."

Benefits Of Arson

The poster portrays arson as a strategic tool to achieve broader goals, such as economic destabilization, and the spread of fear and chaos. It urges: "Damage the wealth of infidels, causing them a spiral of huge economic losses. Force governments to allocate resources to strengthen firefighting systems. Spread fear and chaos, especially during celebrations and holidays, as chaos might kill more than bombs."

This section seeks to rationalize the acts of violence as a means to an end, framing them as both effective and morally justified.

It concludes: "Setting fires is possible by various means and methods, which do not require training or [the use of] prohibited and suspected materials. The fires' scope is high."

It is noteworthy that the infographic stresses the use of the term "infidels" to reflect an "us versus them" narrative designed to dehumanize the perceived "enemy" and justify the destruction of their possessions.


[1] Telegram, January 17, 2025.

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