On December 8, 2024, a Telegram channel which publishes fatwas issued by the General Administration for Shari'a Guidance, affiliated with Syrian jihadi group Hay'at Tahrir Al-Sham (HTS), posted a fatwa in response to a Palestinian questioner from the West Bank.[1]
The fatwa, posted on the day the Military Operations Command comprising HTS and other jihadi and militant factions captured Damascus and toppled the Assad regime, begins with the query: "We consider what is happening in Syria to be good and a great conquest. What is our duty regarding what is taking place in Syria?"
The response opens with greetings to "the people of Bayt Al-Maqdis [Jerusalem] and its environs," adding: "May Allah reward you with good for the ribat [guarding at the frontlines of jihad] you carry out. We ask Allah to assist you in confronting your enemy and bestow upon you the blessings of conquest, victory, and empowerment."
Asserting that the Palestinian questioner's "sincere feelings" are a fulfillment of Quranic verses declaring Muslims "a single ummah [nation]" and allies of one another, the responder thanks Allah for making the believers "brothers who love and support one another" through Islam.
With respect to the duty of West Bank Palestinians concerning events in Syria, the fatwa urges them to "stand at the front where you are stationed." Quoting the Quranic verse (9:123) "O believers! Fight the unbelievers near you," the responder notes that 10th-century exegete Al-Tabari interpreted the verse as: "Fight the unbelievers nearest to you before those farther from you … Begin by fighting the closest ones, then those whose homes are nearest to you, before the farther ones, then those farther from them." The responder instructs West Bank Palestinians to "remain at your positions and defend the Muslims near you however you can."
In addition, the fatwa urges them to "explain the justice of the cause of the mujahideen in Syria," and to clarify and publicize that they went out to fight "to defend their religion, lives, and honor from this oppressive criminal regime."
It further urges them to explain – especially to other Palestinians –"the truth of the Iranian role in Syria" and to stress that "the mujahideen have never been against their brothers in Palestine, but are loving brothers."
Lastly, the fatwa calls on Palestinians to beseech Allah "to assist us and you and keep us and you steadfast," declaring that prayer is "a soldier that cannot be defeated, and we constantly see – by Allah's grace – the effects of Muslims' prayers [for us]."
The fatwa is signed by the "committee of [religious] knowledge" in the General Administration for Shari'a Guidance and categorized in "rulings of jihad."
The General Administration for Shari'a Guidance is headed by Dr. Mazhar Al-Ways, a senior HTS religious official.
Al-Ways speaking at a July 2024 ceremony under the auspices of the General Administration for Shari'a Guidance (Source: Telegram.me/altawjeeh_shar3ee, July 27, 2024)
According to reports in Arab media, a commander in the Military Operations Command, comprising HTS and other jihadi and militant factions, recently met with representatives of Palestinian armed factions and declared that Syria would continue to support the Palestinian cause.[2]
HTS leader Ahmad Al-Shar' aka Abu Muhammad Al-Joulani and senior HTS religious official 'Abd Al-Rahim 'Atoun have made statements in the past praising Hamas' October 7, 2023 attack on Israel and other attacks on Israeli Jews, and expressing support for Palestinian jihad against the Jewish state.[3]
[1] Telegram.me/fatawaradodwan, December 8, 2024.
[2] See MEMRI JTTM Report: Reports: Palestinian Factions In Syria Surrendered Weapons To Hay'at Tahrir Al-Sham (HTS)-Linked Authorities, Who Promised To Continue Support For Palestine, December 15, 2024.
[3] See MEMRI JTTM Reports: Hay'at Tahrir Al-Sham (HTS) Leader Al-Joulani Makes Public Appearances Featured In Videos, Praises Israeli Arabs' Attacks On Jews, May 18, 2021; HTS Leader Al-Joulani Deems Palestinian Cause 'Compass Of Muslims,' Decries 'American Stupidity' After Deal With Taliban, Says U.S., West Have No Option Other Than Reconciliation With Muslims, May 19, 2021; Chief Hay'at Tahrir Al-Sham (HTS) Religious Official Rules Muslims Must Sacrifice Their Lives To Defend Al-Aqsa, Condemns Those Who Normalize Relations With Israel, April 24, 2022; Accusing Israel Of Bombing Gaza Hospital, Hay'at Tahrir Al-Sham (HTS) Leader, HTS-Linked Body Praise Gazans For Humiliating Israel, Pray For 'Complete Liberation' Of Palestine; HTS Cleric Calls For Suicide Attacks Against Israelis Everywhere, October 18, 2023; and Chief Hay'at Tahrir Al-Sham (HTS) Cleric Claims U.S. Has Nothing To Teach Israel After Failing In Iraq And Afghanistan, Prays For Defeat Of 'Jews And Those Allied With Them', October 30, 2023.