On January 22, 2025, Solomon Henderson went on a shooting rampage at his Nashville high school, leaving two dead and two wounded.[1] Henderson, a black student, expressed self-loathing for himself and for other black people in his manifesto, which circulated on various Telegram channels. Henderson references multiple ideologies, including inceldom, or involuntary celibacy, neo-Nazism, and accelerationism. The manifesto includes an extensive list of events, as well as individuals' names, all were written on Henderson's guns, magazines, and ammunition. A few events and names include: Ruby Ridge, Waco, Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh, Christchurch mosque shooter Brenton Tarrant, "Tesak," aka Maxim Martsinkevich, a Russian neo-Nazi activist, and Natalie Lynn Rupnow, a female school shooter who killed a teacher and another student at her high school in Madison, Wisconsin.[2]
Henderson's Manifesto Calls For Targeting Power Grids, Mosques, Synagogues, Federal Government Buildings
The first page of the manifesto features an emblem with a sonnenrad and the word "N**gercell," which is defined as involuntary "n**ger."
The manifesto begins: "Death to the current state of the West. This book is dedicated to Accelerationism and violence by a N**GER for victory. Death to all Mamzers. This book is dedicated to World Dominate by the N**GER GENOCIDE THEM AND LOOT EVERYTHING. This book is dedicated to the death of all N**GER enemies. Death to Israel. This book is dedicated to unlimited wealth for my N**GER. Death to Israel. This book is dedicated to killing everyone I hate. Death to all…DEATH TO ALL LESSER RACES. This book is dedicated to blowing them up where they live, sleep and work. Death to the West…"
One part of the manifesto is titled, "No Lives Matter" which is an offshoot of the accelerationist movement. Henderson shared: "I'm ashamed to be black. I feel like shit being n**ger…It seems like I can never hear black people doing anything positive anymore. N**gers have to ruin shit."
Another page praises Brenton Tarrant, and appears to feature a Torrent link to his killing 51 people in Christchurch, New Zealand, when he shoting worshippers at a mosque and at an Islamic Center.
Henderson includes a photo of himself, and claims his name is Dr. Matthew Cobson Harris Floyd Junior. He also claims that he was born to a middle-class family of black Israelites.
Henderson responds to some questions he poses in his manifesto. For example, one asks: "Killing random high schoolers will save the white race or something?" He replied: "They were brown, spics, and n**gers if left alive commit crimes if they haven't already."
A follow-up response reads: "B-but some of them were WHITE!"
He wrote: "They were n**ger livers, wiggers and Jewish."
Another question asks: "Didn't you want to go to the 'ARMY.'" He wrote: "I never wanted to go to the ARMY used by you fight for your country, not somebody else. No honest person would fight for mass immigration, higher taxes and living expenses. It's not worth the benefits. Unlike some countries in the East the West doesn't have blood and soil thing anymore…Sure it does offer good experience when actually killing someone but you're way better off going to a gun club. If you're young then join airsoft it teaches how to use more familiar weapons, equipment and basic training."
Another question asks: "Why specifically did you attack a school?"
Henderson answered: "We live under the ZOG government and schools are no exception, most of your teachers and classmates are shitskins or other malignancies. Kids nowadays are taught about lies like the Holocaust. Show them what a real schoolcaust looks like. DO IT LIKE A MARTYR."
Another question asked is: "Who/What should be targeted?"
Henderson responded: "Assassinating the 'elites' will not happen without mass bloodshed and killing civilians. Targets should be categorized as hard and soft there is no neutral or non-combatants ALL targets are good targets.
"Hard Targets: Presidents, prime ministers, military leaders, international bankers, politicians, pigs, chief executives, detectives.
Soft target [sic]: "Antifa journalist, media producer, judge, prosecutor…common invader (Jews/Muslims/N*ggers/ BIPOCS, Immigrants), race mixers, LGBT, homeless."
Henderson also states that mosques, churches, synagogues, military bases, government and federal buildings, power grids, and schools should be attacked.
Despite the difficulties in gaining access, Henderson claims there are ways to attack government, Army, and federal buildings: "It just takes knowledge, insiders, more man power…"
At the end of the manifesto, Henderson pays tribute to Brenton Tarrant and Buffalo supermarket shooter Peyton Gendren, and also acknowledges "New Gen cases." He explained: "Lately I've been inspired by other young attackers, around my age such as Colt Gray, Saintress Samantha Rupnow…I have connections with some of them only loosely via online messaging platforms."
[1] Newschannel5.com/news/newschannel-5-investigates/purported-writings-from-antioch-high-school-shooter-show-his-plans-thoughts-before-death, January 23, 2025.
[2] 6abc.com/post/what-know-natalie-rupnow-15-year-old-suspected-school-shooter-wis
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