During 2012, numerous YouTube pages posted installments from a series of detailed video lessons produced by the military wing of Hamas, the 'Izz Al-Din Al-Qassam Brigades, most of them about half an hour long, on bomb-making and using various weapons.
The series is titled "Waa'iddu" - "And Prepare" - a Hamas slogan taken from a Koranic verse, 8:60, which instructs Muslims to prepare for battle with the enemy - "And prepare against them all that you can of strength, and steeds of war, with which you will strike fear into the enemies of Allah and your enemies..." The slogan also opens each video in this series.
The tutorial series, of which MEMRI found five installments (numbered 1, 3, 5, and 6, in addition to one that is unnumbered), is addressed to "dear mujahid," and focuses on making timers for explosives, understanding and using RPGs and mortars, and making rocket propellant. They were uploaded to YouTube by various users in July, September, November, and December 2012.
In March 2002, the U.S. designated the Al-Qassam Brigades a foreign terrorist organization.
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