On November 25, 2024, an anti-Islamic State (ISIS) channel on the Al-Qaeda-operated Rocket.Chat server, published a new post in its ongoing series about ISIS media operatives. The post focused on a former media official in ISIS' Yemen Province who was also a member of the group's central media bureau.
According to the post, the operative had many "security and intelligence suspicions" surrounding him. The channel argued that the Yemen Province's security office had compiled a "long and extensive file" on him, after he "eagerly" pursued security information about the group's senior command, "faked" religious piety, and fawned over commanders. The post recounted that during a search of his possessions, ISIS security operatives found that the operative had copied confidential ISIS files onto a personal hard drive. Additionally, his iPad device reportedly contained pornographic material and "red-room conversations" with female ISIS supporters.
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