ISIS Supporter On Telegram Recommends Psiphon App For Accessing Social Media Blocked By Houthis In Yemen

December 15, 2017

On December 7, 2017, an Islamic State (ISIS) supporter posted a message on a Telegram channel saying that the Houthis in Yemen are blocking access to social media platforms such as Facebook, Telegram, and Twitter. He shared a link to the Google Play Store and recommended users download Psiphon, an application that allows users to circumvent Internet censorship, in order to access social media. The app's description on the Google Play Store states: "Millions of people in over 200 countries around the planet are already connecting to the Internet using Psiphon, the most robust circumvention tool on the web. Psiphon facilitates access to websites and services which are censored, blocked, or otherwise unavailable, no matter where you are in the world." The app is also available for download on iTunes.

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