ISIS Supporter On Telegram Promotes 'Your Freedom' VPN App To Mask Location

March 29, 2017

On March 28, 2017, a user created a post on Telegram advising fellow ISIS supporters to download the Your Freedom app, which generates a fake location or IP address. The message was posted to a pro-ISIS English language Telegram channel. The android app, available on the Google Play store, was developed in Germany. The terms read," We are very much in favor of free speech and freedom of information, and one of the driving factors for providing this service was to enable people to express their opinions freely and access information that would otherwise be barred from them. However, we will not tolerate: insulting racist, sexist, or otherwise offending behavior, non-consenting indecently (i.e. sexual harassment), indecent approaches towards minors, consenting or not, identity theft, vandalism or break-ins, or any hacking or cracking attempts, spreading of works or viruses, mass emailing of any kind, or email forgery. This list is by no means complete. Please use your common sense."

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