On April 14, 2024, the pro-Hamas Gaza Now media outlet posted on its Telegram channel that following the closure of its Facebook and Instagram accounts by the U.S. and U.K. authorities, it has established new accounts on both platforms, and invited its followers to follow them. In the post, the channel asks its followers to share the new accounts' links in order to "continue together to spread the message to the world, emphasizing that the American, British and other sanctions will not prevent us from continuing the journey of the trust that we carry to the world."
The new Facebook account was created on April 13, and to this date has 6.1K followers. It has posted only one post, announcing the creation of a new Facebook page despite the sanctions. The new Instagram account has reached 2,437 followers and posted one picture.
Gaza Now accounts were shut down on several platforms after the U.S. Treasury Department sanctioned it and its founder and director, Mustafa Ayyash, for fundraising for Hamas, and following Ayyash's arrest in Austria.
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