Hacking Entities Pledge Allegiance to Top Pro-ISIS Hacking Group United Cyber Caliphate (UCC)

April 14, 2017
On April 10, 2017, an announcement was circulated on the Khansaa UCC Telegram channel, which announced that Anon Terror and Fighter Muslim Cyber Caliphate (FMCC) pledged allegiance to the United Cyber Caliphate (UCC). The announcement mentions that Anon Terror is headed by "Shadow Caliphate," and that FMCC is led by "Xozer z4yn7x." The document praises Anon Terror's hacking prowess, and highlights the hacking of Russian websites. The statement also describes this merger as an "organized union," which appears necessary after the death of the UCC leader Osed Agha, who was allegedly killed in a U.S. airstrike on March 16, 2017. [1] The following report contains the text of the announcement. "Based on the latest events surrounding the widely propagated and circulated killing lists that UCC had recently posted which swept the earth, Allah had blessed UCC with a new pledge of allegiance by 'Anon Terror' under the leadership of brother 'Shadow Caliphate' and 'Fighter Muslim Cyber Caliphate' under the leadership of brother 'xozer z4yn7x'. The full text of this report is available to MEMRI Jihad and Terrorism Threat Monitor subscribers. Subscription information is available at this link. JTTM subscribers can visit this page to view the report.

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