Current Status Of Military And Technology-Related Subsections On Top Jihadi Forums

February 15, 2013 | By M. Khayat


Jihadis have long shared military-related information and expertise on top jihadi forums. Recently, much of that information has been circulated on the various social media outlets, as well. The shared information varies, from original content to translations, summaries, and recommended reading of non-Arabic material. Contrary to the common notion that jihadis are suspicious of, and avoiding circulating, any material originating from "enemy" sources, jihadis visiting military and technology sections on top jihadi forums in fact thrive on a broad base of information, especially information originating with "enemy" sources.

Jihadi forums have specialized subsections where such information is shared. The information, consisting of military-related topics in particular, but encompassing almost any technology-related topic as well, is shared, discussed, and debated in those subsections. Shumoukh Al-Islam, a top-tier Al-Qaeda forum, offers the largest military subsection, in comparison with the other leading jihadi forums. It also features top name experts in the abovementioned fields, who provide advice to any who seek it.

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