Latest Reports
October 12, 2010
AQAP 'Inspire' Magazine's 'Open Source Jihad' Section: 'Use a Pickup Truck... [to] Mow Down the Enemies of Allah'; 'A Random [Lunch Hour Shooting] at a Crowded [Washington DC] Restaurant... Might End Up Knocking Out a Few Government Employees... Targeting Such Employees Is Paramount'
August 28, 2010
By: Steven Stalinsky YouTube - The Internet's Primary and Rapidly Expanding Jihadi Base - Part IV: Young American YouTube Follower of Anwar Al-Awlaki on the Ground Zero Mosque and 9/11: 'America Reaps What It Sows'; 'You Pretend Like the World Trade Center and the Pentagon Was a Daycare Center or a Maternity Ward; No - The World Trade Center Was the Epicenter of American Economy That Funds So Much Death And Destruction... If the People Who Did 9/11 Wanted To Kill Innocent People, They Would Have Bombed a School... Church... Daycare Center'
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